Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Title: A series of unrelated short events; Welcome to Zombie land!
nekojirou_san Warnings: Dialogue heavy.
Characters: Our heroic allies, our happy axis trio, Spain and Romano
Summary: "Well, to put it simply Ludwig-san, we are currently trapped in an apocalyptic game wherein the only living creatures in sight are, hmm, shall I say undead?" Enough said.
Notes: I have really strange headcanons. Forgive me.
Also! I made some l4d references so let me explain:
Tank: giant ugly zombie
Witch: deadly female moaning zombie
Welcome to Zombie land!
"Arthur, it's your fault."
The British man frowned, loaded his gun and shoved it down his back pocket. A string of harsh, sarcastic thoughts flowed through his mind, but he refrained from saying a word. This probably wasn't the best time to be arguing with Alfred.
Ivan sat in the back on the safe room, his usual creepy grin plastered on his childish face. He seemed calm. Hell, he was probably excited. "Scared Alfred?" He teased.
The blond squeaked. "Hell no!"
Arthur snickered. "What are a few zombies, right Alfred?"
The American gulped in reply while he took a rifle from the weapon rack and hung it on his back. He was a HERO for God's sake. As if he's going to let a few creepy moaning monsters reduce him to a little girl. He gets to shoot things. That's always fun, right? Doesn't matter that he's basically going through a horror movie come to life--Wait, wrong direction. Let's go back to shooting zombies. Shooting. Guns. Explosions. Okay, he's calm now.
"He's quite amusing like this, da?" Ivan said, directing his attention towards the British gentleman. Arthur merely snickered in reply while he loaded a second revolver.
"Shut up commie! Who's the coward?!" Alfred objected.
"I'm not communist anymore..." The Russia gave an unappreciative pout.
"And no one ever said anything about being a coward." Arthur added.
The blue-eyed blond shrugged, giving himself a moment to return to his usual demeanour (all the while ignoring the previous replies). "Alright, let's go."
Ivan chuckled and got up, holding his pipe at the ready. "Da,"
"Repeat that again, Honda."
"Well, to put it simply Ludwig-san, we are currently trapped in an apocalyptic game wherein the only living creatures in sight are, hmm, shall I say undead?"
"Ve, I think you just contradicted yourself Kiku."
The short Asian man bowed slightly. "Forgive me, my English is still quite lacking."
Ludwig didn't look very happy, he groaned at the pure absurdity of the situation.
"I wonder if everyone else is alright." Feliciano wondered out loud.
"I'm quite certain Antonio-san will take care of Lovino-kun."
"Ve?" Feli replied, looking confused for a moment before he giggled. "Fratello is really cool with a gun."
"A-ah." Kiku blinked. Ludwig sighed.
"I have a hard time imagining that somehow..."
"Ah, Lovi!" Antonio called out nonchalantly. "We ran out of ammo."
Bang! Bang!
"Go find some then dammit!"
"I would Lovi, but we're surrounded."
"You are USELESS!"
I think the question here would be why Lovi doesn't carry a gun on him all the time if he's so damn badass with it. Give it some thought. Maybe I'll be back with an answer later.
"Ve, do you think we're the only ones here?"
Feliciano fell to the ground tired and hungry. They've been running around killing zombies for hours. Not that he was going any fighting at all.
"Get up." Ludwig sighed, giving the Italian a hand. "It's still too dangerous to stop now."
Kiku wiped his katana and replied to Feli's question. "I highly doubt it. We already know Spain-san and Lovino-kun are somewhere. It shouldn't come to any surprise if we find others."
"And it would seem England was here. Quite sly of him to leave his mark." Ludwig added, pointing at the Union Jack painted on the wall.
Kiku remarked the three pairs of footprints. "He wasn't alone either."
"I wonder where he found the paint."
Arthur wiped his paint-filled fingers on his muddied pants. He grinned at his freshly painted flag on the grim yellow wall.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, HEY!" Alfred shouted as he came running back from who knows where. When his blue eyes laid upon the flag, he tilted his head to the left. "Huh. Not exactly the blue, white and red image I wanted to see, but alright."
"Shut it will you?!" The British man exclaimed. "You'll bring the hoarde out."
"I don't mind decapitating a few more zombies." Ivan interjected with a laugh.
"No way! I ran out of molotovs and I don't want to get anywhere near another monster." Alfred complained. "You know how disgusting that choker was?" He shivered. "I'll never smell the same way again!"
"Since when did you care about hygiene anyway?" Arthur mumbled, unheard.
Ivan smiled, enjoying this strange facet of Alfred's. "I did not know you were so high maintenance."
"I'm not! But you're not the one covered in slobber are you?"
"Where did you run off to anyway?" Arhur changed the subject, picking up a first aid kit and bandaging his fingers. "I thought we agreed it wasn't wise to wander off alone."
"Oh right, I found a car."
"Are we really going down there?"
Kiku examined the hole in the ground with caution. They had just escaped into a room after a Tank showed up. Actually, it was banging on the door right now. It was going to break down any second now. Feliciano squeaked.
"Unless you'd like to face the putrid zombie waiting for us out there." Kiku answered the scared Italian.
The Tank roared.
Feliciano gulped and Kiku shot him a smile. "It can't be worst down here." The Japanese man said as he jumped down the hole with elegance only a trained ninja could achieve.
After moving a weapon rack to block the door, Ludwig stepped forward and gave Feli a pat on the shoulder. "Go on. I'll watch your back."
The Italian turned his head and looked up at the German. "Jump down with me. I'm scared."
Sighing, Ludwig wrapped his arm around Feliciano who held himself steady by hanging onto the other man's neck. They jumped down with a much louder thump than was intended. Kiku turned towards them briskly, his katana halfway drawn. He drew a finger to his lips and nodded to the zombie moaning a couple of meteres away.
Feliciano held back a gasp. Ludwig stood firm and gave Kiku the green light to attack. The Japanese man quietly took out his sword and approached the Witch while it continued to weep. He controlled his breathing and prepared to strike...
Where were we at with the Allies trio again? Oh right. Alfred found a car, which would be a simple and effective way to escape the city, but there is no gas---obviously. Life isn't convenient. The narrator is not making this stuff up either. If she could end the story here, she would, but she won't! Then again, some people might like to kill me if I end it on Kiku getting mortally injured by a witch. Oh my, dear me.
Arthur stopped in his tracks. "I have a bad feeling." He said, grasping at his stomach for some reason.
"Stomachache?" Alfred assumed. "There's a bathroom right there you know."
"That's not it, you moron!" The Brit crossed his arms. "And I can't believe we risked our lives for a car that can't even run. I should have known."
"It was worth a try." The American shrugged." Speaking of stomachs, I'm hungry."
Ivan brushed his hair off his face and giggled mysteriously again. "Maybe we can roast some zombies."
"I'd rather have Arthur's cooking!"
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Or we can join Romano and Spain over there."
Arthur was about to insult Alfred in some way, but completely lost his train of thought when Ivan's statement reached his hears. "Antonio?"
"It smells like food!" And without another word, Alfred ran off towards the smell. Ivan and Arthur followed after him quickly, the latter much less enthusiastically.
Earlier ...
"Lovi! Lovi! Look what I've found!"
Bang! Bang!
"No but--"
"Then I'm busy!"
"But I've found tomatoes..."
Lovi turned around to the face the Spaniard. "Leave the tomatoes and look for ammo!"
"There are none Lovi!"
The Italian bit his lip and faced the hoarde the again. He chose his target, aimed in-between its eyes and fired. Clank. There was nothing.
Lovi dropped the gun when a more elaborate looking zombie jumped him and pinned him to the wall. He struggled against its grip for a couple of miliseconds while resisting the urge to throw curses at it. Antonio`s expression finally went from the carefree to serious. A freaky smile drew itself on his face as he got up and knocked the awful zombie away with a nearby crowbar. "Touch Lovino again and y'all be extinct soon." He whispered menaningly before kicking the undead creature off the balcony.
The Italian, despite being saved, wasn't pleased. "Asshole, why didn't you do that earlier!?"
Antonio smiled. "But, it was one of those rare moments you were using a gun."
"Act useless again and it won't be rare anymore!"
Meanwhile, the happy Axis trio were in Chinatown...
"Here you go aru. Eat up." Yao stepped out of the kitchen and brought six plates worth of food to the table.
Ludwig nodded gratefully. "Thank you China."
Feliciano seemed quite pleased with food, despite the lack of pasta. "I can't believe you managed to build a Chinatown here." He commented.
The German agreed. "Where did all the zombies go? There aren't any here as far as I've seen..."
"Oh, you're eating them aru."
The blond man choked at once. Feliciano remained oblivious. Or perhaps, in the back of his mind, he thought 'zombies don't taste that bad'.
Yao gave a hearty laugh. "I'm just kidding. I'm not going to cook zombies aru. Don't worry."
"That's unconvincing coming from someone who eats dogs." Ludgwig continued, wiping his mouth and eyeing the Asian reproachfully.
"Dogs are no different from chicken and pigs! Meat is meat. Now eat and be grateful you're still alive!"
The German grumbled and digged in. Feliciano didn't like the tense atmosphere and chimed in. "Is Kiku going to be okay?" He asked innocently.
"Don't worry. A wound like that is nothing, aru. Leave it to Chinese medecine."
"If it isn't you three!" Antonio exclaimed.
"Fancy seeing you here. How are you holding up?" Arthur asked.
The Spaniard smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "We're fine. Lovi was so cute."
Lovino punched the other in the guy. "We managed to fend off two hoardes so far, but we're out of ammo."
Alfred didn't really care about anything anymore. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." He interjected. "Mind sharing the food?"
"Of course. There's plenty for all of you."
Ivan took a pastry tentatively. "Churros?" He blinked.
Decidedly, no one was going to ask where he got those from. The Russian decided to direct his attention towards Southern Italy. He grinned. "Where's your other half?"
Lovi cautiously moved to Antonio's side. "He should be fine with Japan and potato face."
Arthur straightened up at the mention of Kiku. "H-how many more of us you think is here?"
Antonio thought about it. "In total so far, we've got: you three, Lovi, me and the happy Axis trio."
"Hmmf, dosch nmyfon rememfer wash we werf dofing beform thisch?" Alfred asked after shoving a dozen churros in his mouth at once. Arthur glared at him. Ivan laughed and decided to translate.
"I think he asked if anyone remembered what they were doing before we ended up here."
The American nodded as he tried to swallow the pastries.
"I, for one, was looking for Prussia." Arthur answered, pretending to ignore Alfred and crossing his arms.
"Ahaha, what did he do? Steal a sweater vest?" The blue-eyed blond teased, finally succeeding in eating those spanish doughnuts. (Though, they looked more like giant caramel-coloured tootsie rolls to Al)
"Don't insult me! I'll have you know I was chasing after him for a well good reason!"
Ivan giggled. "Really now?"
Antonio took another churro. "It probably involves Japan."
Elsewhere, Kiku woke up with a sneeze.
Chaos continued to reign in the [undead] world...
Don't worry. This isn't over yet.
Other Parts:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Notes: Each chapter in this series works mostly as a standalone---side a few headcanons that are constant in each chapter. The important points are that Iggy and Japan are married and that Prussia has one-sided feelings for Japan.
(This series also ships RussiaxLiet, AmxCan, Spamano and Gertalia---)