Jan 12, 2006 01:31
Hey there!
Gabe here again, o'course. Doing pretty good right now; hyper and very happy. :\ I'm just sitting around really, trying to learn how to play my guitar, and wondering why I have an urge to write a song.
Today was kinda eventful, moreso than most other days anyways. My brother(Matt, who a couple of you have heard about; and he's not my real brother) attended a funeral for his grandma, who passed away four days ago. I couldn't make it, however. Anyways, I had it set that he spend a couple nights here with me to get away from his family and whatnot. He pulled a knife on his uncle for drinking, so... yeah, he really needed to get out of his house. Anyway, around 3:30 - 4:00, he came by with his fiance Tiffany. Now Tiffany was not planned, so I was surprised, but... I like her pretty well too, so it didn't matter. We spent the next 5 hours doing things, blah blah blah. Now here's where the fun starts. I had asked my mom the day before if Matt could stay a couple nights. Where's the flaw, you ask? Right there. *Points at Matt* Tiffany was an unexpected guest. Therefore it led to bitchingness by my mum. This goes on until like 10:25 or so, until she wakes the two of them up. She shoos out Tiff and with her goes Matt. T_T So yeah, I'm all alone tonight.
That's about it. We went out to eat, though, and Matt pinched my nipple three times. I swear, he can't keep his hands off me. O_O Unfortunately, meh nipples happen to be... sensitive, so... that was an instant THO, but no, Matt doesn't turn me on. XP Eh-heheh... enough about that.
That's pretty much it. Short updates so far. See ya'll later!