Baka na.... *fuu...*

Apr 09, 2005 07:15

Note, that I can't think to be funny right now... And I'm copying this to DJ as well.

Yoshino Suki (6:52:40 AM): JESUS what happened to the WARM WEATHER!!! *shivering, tired, has a headache, and just hurts*
GunGriever (6:53:52 AM): ^^; wish I could help....and Jess....Forumer has ads now..should we be worried?
Yoshino Suki (6:55:27 AM): o_o; ......what.?
GunGriever (6:55:44 AM): You don't see the ad on the top of the board?
Yoshino Suki (6:56:13 AM): I've not been to the board since yesterday. I slept all day yesterday and the way it's going, I'm heading off again this morning. x_X;
GunGriever (6:57:18 AM): ^^; well if you need to sleep then sleep. I'll find something to do
Yoshino Suki (7:06:11 AM): It's just I've not been feeling good. =\ Which sucks cause I feel like I'm in a creative mood.

Just without the energy to follow through. ;_;

I have about 6 pics I wanna doodle and can't get myself to pick up my sketchpad and pen or a even a pencil.

Hell the mouse has failed me.

I need to get working on my EXE fics... I should have at least finished the 'Yume to Akumu' chapter Mama's Arms OR Brotherly Love if not both by now. >.< If not my series fics then one of the side fics... hell 'Omedetou Kurisumasu' is like 95% done. >_<; "Rockman's Bad Day" shouldn't really be that hard, it's comedy! YEESH!

Or that Frontier fic I started...

Or the two SM Fics I finally felt inspired to actually start! SM Mood! Not happening often lately!

But no.... all my body wants to do is sneeze, feel bad headaches and neckaches and for me to sleep.

And y'know what?

I can't even do that without feeling guilty or bad.

Mike rags on me that I always sleep when he wants to be down here in the living room to watch his precious big screen TV he got (in a trade for the old entertainment center from friends of his. only wound up costing us I think $100 cash, but that was easily covered from whatever Mike got paid for at the garage. Fffft. -.-; )

when I say "Then find us a new PLACE to MOVE to and I can have my own room and this won't be a problem."

He either comes back with "Why don't you just move out on your own then?" OR the big "Why don't you get a JOB so we have money?"

>_< .............. >Yoshino Suki (7:07:01 AM): Niisan... I just wish I could run away for a while.

But I can't do that. -_-
GunGriever (7:07:28 AM): *hug*
Yoshino Suki (7:07:59 AM): *snuggle*
GunGriever (7:08:23 AM): It'll get better....
GunGriever (7:08:29 AM): right now, just go to bed.
GunGriever (7:08:48 AM): Screw everything else, just sleep 'til your body is back up to snuff.
Yoshino Suki (7:12:18 AM): What's funny is the focus on my dogs on FP keeps me from running away completely from anyone who cares about me remotely.

If I didn't care to get my dogs up and high... I may well just ignore the computer altogether.

But if I go on to even look at my dogs, I'm on AIM. Which keeps contact.

A little...?


I got IMed by Erin the other day and haven't seen her since. But the IM she sent told me nothing and I couldn't tell tone from text. Graham considers Erin his big sis at college. So I can't tell if she's mad at me, wants to ask me if I've seen him, or what.

God damnit, it's just common courtesy to let someone know you're home alright! It doesn't take a WEEK to either be so pissed you say, "Sorry to disappoint you, but I got home alive" if you think I hate you or you hate me... or to say "hey, I made it home ok, but I have a lot to catch up on. Bye."



I can't help but worry something's wrong. and I think it's getting to me.
GunGriever (7:16:04 AM): Can't you call his house and ask them if they've heard anything?
Yoshino Suki (7:16:42 AM): I'm afraid.

If he's not ok, I don't want to get chewed out. But if he is, I'll look like a fool.
Yoshino Suki (7:16:58 AM): What if he didn't tell them we broke up?
Yoshino Suki (7:17:18 AM): For note, he wouldn't leave me alone until I told him.

It essentially 'went down' on Easter. Nice, ne?
GunGriever (7:17:48 AM): You really should've told him before he went over..
Yoshino Suki (7:18:10 AM): I tried to. I really did. He refused to listen to me.
Yoshino Suki (7:18:25 AM): He said he had a feeling it was coming. =\ -.-
GunGriever (7:19:39 AM): Yet he still took the time to fly over. -_-;
GunGriever (7:19:47 AM): Jess, I'm getting sleepy to.
GunGriever (7:19:55 AM): I suggest you just head to bed like I am.
Yoshino Suki (7:20:14 AM): It's ok. We both need sleep. Yes. *snug* I'm getting a worse headache the more I think about everything anyway.
GunGriever (7:20:17 AM): When you wake up, we'll see if we can get some contact with Graham.
GunGriever (7:20:33 AM): *huggle* night night or morning morning. One of the two.
Yoshino Suki (7:21:05 AM): I'm hoping Erin at least comes on. I can ask her if he's back at college. She'd know.

Hai. *snuggle again* Oyasumi.... or Ohayou.... either way.
GunGriever direct connection is closed (7:21:18 AM).
GunGriever signed off at 7:21:24 AM.

-Jesi "Hontou ni... BAKA... tte.... ne?" Markius
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