This is one of those posts, that I had the feeling of, "I MUST write a post out!"
Just to get the need-to-rant out of my system. So I can cool down and get to my homework.... Dang, suddenly, I feel like I shouldn't have given in and asked
sadistic_dark (hh) to watch the movie today… but… it was worth it! 8D
So yeah, we both had no school today, that is Tuesday. So I asked if I could come over to nail one of the Star Trek movies. I had initially wanted to watch the TOS movie 1st, coz, y'know for chronological order. but the Mac couldn't compute the disk (blue ray grrr). Ggggggggggggrrrr. So we watched Star Trek XI the J.J Abr-??-hm dude movie.
It was so bloody worth it to watch Kirk and Spock in ACTION. In living flesh! In fandom fantasy and adrenaline fueling live action avidity! Everything was perfect… minus the unnecessary scenes Spock had with Uhura. *scowls* those were … well, no comment.
Anyway, while attempting to hyper-multitask at typing this post and do both my essay and report and project (wait that’s three things). I came across this interesting tidbit. Do view this cite : and read up on “Cultural Examples of LGBT Relationships” especially the homosexuality stuff. Its god damned interesting stuff I tell you 8D
So. back to the movie! I would quote and describe every scene that gave me a high. Buuuut, heh, well, just pick any scene that had Jim Kirk and Spock in it, and that would've been the scene. Though, most of the time my 'high's came in the form of awe, whereas dear beta would be squealing and jumping like the hyper-silent-reader(stalker) she it :D
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!! Ohkay CANNOT my brain has ceased to be able to compute in an orderly manner already! I have no idea why but there is a mad adrenaline rush to my system and i am unable to to to to argh- what's that word?!?!?! - something! okay!
I better go now and channel that energy to more productive areas like freaking homework!!!
Laters~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^__________________________^ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8D (Why can't the font go any larder *pouts*)