eary JULY 10'

Jul 09, 2010 03:06

*cracks neck*  So. I'm alive... Barely... Spring is the season for allergies, eczema flare-ups and constant flu-attacks... Asthma, I'm waiting, I know you're lurking there ready to get me again... I'll be ready for you *pulls out inhaler* Hah! DX

  • What I'm currently working on: (i) LV x HP (ii) Marik x Malik (insane-shipping? XD )
  • What I'm currently musing on:   that daaamn 'Cepheus and Silas' plot that keeps manifesting...
  • What I'm currently procrastinating on:  (i) Silent Relationship aka SR
  • What I'm currently reading: UPDATES from LiteraryBeauty (At His Throat, A Promise) and re-reading Honeydew Syndrome :D

Current Mood:Spring cleaning sooooooo sucks-mucus-dribbling-out-of-my-nose... I hate dust. I hate you dust... I hate you allergies. I hate you eczema. I hate you low immune system. I hate you flu-that-constantly-attacks-me... I hate constantly being sick and unwell and feeling like shit... I HATE IT ALL!!! I'm so emoooooooooooo... O_Q

SORRY :D (for the emo-ness)

:notes:, current mood

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