Feb 23, 2010 21:41

- Entry Begin - Start-o -

Ah. hello all. *Waves*

I've finally decided to make a LJ account as my dear friend and co-writer ahsie  has advised me to... Thou be warned, I will not update this much, unless I do have something to say. Yeah ^_^

The theme currently chosen is 'Hearts and Daisys' because it is still February, the month for... uhm, love, I suppose. I will most probably change theme quite often as there are so many to choose from! ~<3  >w<

Okay. now on to more solid stuff.

Main Purpose for LJ-journaling
1) So that my A/N (author notes) would be lesser. I guess I will be saying more of "Refer to journal entry XX/XX/XX if you wanna" sort of, like that.
2) So that I can keep track of my plot bunnies, muses, and progress of my stories
3) So that I can enlist good authors to take care of my plot bunnies (if said enlisted author wants to)
4) So that my readers can know what has happened to me, or why I'm taking soooo long to update.
5) I don't know what other reasons, I just wanted to have it till number 5. XD LOL!

Okay, that's all for now. I'm already feeling lazy... *gasps* You can guess now, how bothered I am by such things. *sighs*

I'm currently feeling very..... "BLAH".... therefore, I have yet to get typing out what I should be typing out... Yeah.....

- End of Entry - Owari -

general updates (life...mostly), current mood, !.important.!

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