SR chap8 updated + review replies

May 16, 2010 21:52

Silent Relationship (SR) chapter 8 is out~!
click > SR Chap8 <   ENJOY~!!!

This chapter is out as early as it can be. I caught some spring flu. Nasty flu... I think I'm gonna go into relapse...  XP  And I have this irritating ulcer at the side of my upper lip, but that's not relevant.

The next chapter (chap 9) will be out quite soon, maybe in a week at max. I'm done with it, just needs polish.
Chapter 10 will be out much much later. Some things in life are, causing, problems, so, yeah... Not to mention that my lvhp is being ignored... D=

vvvvv Review replies for earlier chapter are in the cut below... vvvvv

loveless >>  ^___^ Thank you for your help with the nick name, I hope you continue reading!

sadistic_darkbitch >>  I wonder. that maybe, you will continue disliking them both to a certain degree. XD  It's okay thou, with time, I hope you'll grow to love them.

JtheChosen1 >>  ^__^ v yay, glad the 'fight' worked out eh~  thanks for your reviews!

Lisa >> Thank you!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter just as much~  ^___^
They are working out together slowly, it'll come along nicely I hope ^__^

kirjava01 >>  it's definately going to take a lot of work on Kaito's part to get Moku comfortable again.  ;)  Serves him right, now he wont get any for some time.

On that note, I hope my readers understand that the smex part will not come very soon. Please, be patient! >w<

Author's rant: (read at your own risk!)
Okay I'll admit... I'm a bit … pleasantly, surprised with how SR is doing. I never expected this much out of it. *hugs Moku and Kaito*. But I shall keep my hopes low, and so should you (because SR does not have a solid plot, it's going with the flow (whatever said flow may be). *gasps* =O hahaha! We'll see we'll see...
Which is also why, I'd like to remind everyone, that, your suggestions are most welcomed. And I will see if I can cater them into the next chapter (or future chapters) plot. No promises thou ;)

Also, I'd just like to mention something. I'm someone, who does not like to rush sex scenes. SR is a non-PWP story, and it concentrates more on the character's communicating relationship, than the sex in it.
So yeah. If you can't wait and wanna read smut written by me, go to my profile page, so far, there's one story that's a PWP one-shot named 'Voyeurism'.

Current Mood: it's raining. but, I want it to snow... huh... snow, here. *rolls eyes*
and. certain family members are annoying me... I want to - *restrains own wrists* Graaaaahh!!!
Muse wise. I think it's here, my muse, it's just sitting there staring at me... I'm getting creeped out.

updates (original/fanfiction), review replies, current mood

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