*up yours AFF* Y U NO let me LOGIN?!

Jun 30, 2012 02:23

I am.... EXASPERATED!!!! by the login system. WHY DO THEY NOT KNOW ME IS LOGGING IN?!

Resending you activation could not be completed for the ffallowing reasons
  • You have already activated your acount.
  • You have yet to move your account to the new userpanel system.
  • You have not yet registered
  • there may have been a system error.
I copied pasted that exactly, spelling errors are theirs (bolded the last one coz that's my problem)  :P Buuu you, I'm not happy with you :P buuu AFF, what happened to you~~~ I AM being unfair to AFF, but I IS ANGRY WITH THEM! Coz I am frustrated todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy, and they arn't helping any! I can't edit my bio on aff, I can't login. Yet... YET! When I leave reviews, it shows up as me logged in and leaving reviews as 'Nekoii-desu' aka I am logged in??? or not??? whuuuuuuuuuuuuttt???? Har????????????

*sighs* What ever man. Gdnight.


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