LJ Ate my Previous entry of this :(
Luckily I had saved the html in word an can just post it again ^-^
Sooooo, After 3 months it is now time for Hungary part 2~
Here is part one for anyone who missed it I forgot that before our concert that night we went to an old mill
(with a random huge birds nest across from it)
(and I just really like this picture)
and an amazing graveyard called Koplyafas Temeto
where all the grave markers are shaped like boats. When this town was smaller they used to have looots of floods and this cemetary was only reachable by boat. So they used boat markers and still do ^-^
k, done digressing, back to after the concert =3
Soooooo after our concert at Mateszalka (which was one of the most amazingly welcoming towns I have ever gone to) we had a little reception with food and stuff. The concert that we did there was for a local orphanage. They asked for donations at the door and gave whatever they got to the orphanage. If I remember correctly they raised about 30,000 in Hungarian money. We were so touched at these peoples generosity hat we pooled money from all of us to give to them. There were 36 singers and we raised 45,000 in Hungarian money for them. We felt so bad that we couldn't give more though. Because these people were the most generous ones I have met in a very long time.
So after that we went back to our hotel. When we woke up the next morning (Thursday) it had snowed
XD I am a big fan of snow~
and we got on the bus to drive to Budapest =D
We stopped of at the Hortobagy National Park for a couple of hours.
(When we got off the bus it was still snowing and I could see my breath so I tried to take a picture of it...
but unfortunately my camera didn't get that XD)
we went on a tour of the ranger center and as we went out side (where it was still snowing) we saw a long eared owl in a tree!
It just watched us ^-^
then we went to stand in the snow and learn about the Park.
while we were there we got to watch a horse show (SQUEE~) which was amazing.
And once the show was over, we got to ride the horses XD
(this is the only proof that I rode a Hungarian horse =D)
And after that we got to go on a carriage ride through the snow to a Pottery place.
They make black pottery here. Like not painted, literally black. The way they fire it in the kiln combined with the type of clay makes this beautiful black color.
Then we went to eat some goulash~ which was absolutly delicious. yummmm~
After this we went back into the bus and drove to Budapest :D
Our Hotel (The Raddison) was Amazing...Seriously.
The view from my window
I know right?
So we got cleaned up and dressed up for our last official concert in Hungary (;__;).
We got on the bus and drove around town. Mr. B pointed out one of the churchrs we were going to sing at, but they don't do concerts during Lent, which is when we were there. So we all awww'ed and looked around for he church we were going to sing at.
OMG You Gais.
I have never loved so hard on a building as I did on this one.
Epic Pictures Follow.
*Flails in happy glee*
God I love that church.
Our last concert was there, and we sang like we never had and never will again. There was so much life put into the music, so much emotion, that after every song Mr. B just stood there for a moment and let us all savor the richness of our songs. He told us he has never had a choir sing like that ever. It was amazing. After we finished our concert when we were millig around trying to talk to the audience members that knew english, we decided to sing one more song. Not for anyone but ourselves. We stood in a circle and held hands, very spur of the moment and sang 'I Am Not Yours'. Now this song is the song that became our song of the trip. The words and melody and just overall feeling of the song touch your heart. I said it like this "When you are singing a song straight from your heart, it doesn't matter if you're upset or dissappointed, all of that just melts away, and you are left with the music that heals your soul.". This song healed all of our souls.
This is us singing it at our last concert this year (the slideshow in the background is pictures from Hungary ^-^):
Click to view
Then one of the most memorable things of the trip happened. (this is really long so you don't have to read it ^-^) I had been talking with one of the girls in the audience cause she knew some english and then talked to the ones who didn't through her, they asked me questions, I asked them back etc... I had already been crying cause the concert was just so overwhelming, but after 'I Am Not Yours' every single one of us, including the guys and the president and vice president of the college, was bawling our eyes out. Some (like me) more than others, but there wasn't a dry eye among our group. So after we sang, she and some littler girls came over and were talking to me. She told me how she liked to come in the church on christmas morning and watch the sun rise through the windows with the snow on them, I told her I envied her greatly and thanked her for the oppourtunity to sing in this beautiful place, cause I wanted to thank somebody and we just chatted for a bit. I was crying the entire time XD. But we were talking about the songs we sang and stuff and she asked about the meaning of thesongs, I told her it was a sacred concert, since we were in a church, and she asked if I believed in God. I said yes and then she asked if any of the others did too. Most of us had had this convorsation a while ago with Mr. B and so I told her that yes, in one way or another, most of us did believe in God. She smiled at me and told me she was the only one at her school and in her family that did. I was already in emotional upheaval and my heart just broke for this girl. So I gave her a hug. Still sobbing like a maniac XD. But we talked some more and finally they started turning off the lights to the church and people were telling me we had to go, and I said thank you again and gave her another hug, and started to walk away, when she told me to wait. She pulled out a necklace she was wearing and unclasped it. She took the charm off of it and anded it to me and said thank you. I was very confused. I looked at the charm and it was the Virgin Mary (cause most Hungarians are Catholic). I asked what she was thanking me for and she just shook her head and repeated it. I was crying even harder right then and just gave her another hug. As we were walking out I asked If I could have a picture of her and the two younger girls that couldn't really speak english that were with her.
The girl in the red, Katriona was the one who gave me the charm.
I (still sobbing) gave them all hugs and waved goodbye. It wasn't until I got on the bus and we were going back to the hotel, that I realized that I wished I could give her something back.
just one of the reasons I love this church. ^-^
I think this is going to have to be a three part thing ^-^;;
so that ends part two =3