Take the
What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz.
wow, Kyle always said I looked like a goth...he would be pleased! If he was around to see this! *grumbles* where the hell is he? I haven't spoken to him in like...months! I'm annoyed with how slow my computer is being now...*glares at it angrily* Mum's cooking me a jacket potato...but I won't eat it. I'm so not hungry today, it's weird. I felt sick in the cinema after eating what we bought, and apart from that all I've had today is a bowl of museli...but all week I've been eating non stop. Maybe my stomachs finally caught up and I won't be hungry for another week. Wheee that'd be fun! I hate eating and being hungry.
Let's see..really I am a mixture of the goth *points to the picture above* The outsider...
Take the
What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz.
*laughs* annnnnddd....the Geek! Yay, I love being a geek... Although Izzie needs to reawaken her geekiness, I am ashamed! lol
Take the
What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz.
GAH!! Where the hell have all my Eve6 songs gone? It's bad enough I lost the CD now they've just disappeared from Kazaa! *frowns* this is not right...
Scott's also laughing at me again...It pisses me off so much when he laughs at me, I wish he'd just go already.
Only I will understand what I'm talking about in that previous sentence...and I can't explain it cause there are always eyes watching *smiles mysteriously to herself* God I'm being unsubtle.
Anyway...I'm gonna go (for the 3rd time today?) And umm...bum around...downloading things...YAY!
All our Dubliner's songs have gone too...so I'm having to download them all again, but then they're not downloading. *shrugs* Scrat, Kazaa will sort its-self out.
~Ich xxx