Sweet Strawberries

Sep 20, 2011 14:44

Gods, I haven't written fic in a while... What the fuck?

Anyway, here's a new one! (I wrote it on my Smartphone!) I've been reading the light novel Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai lately, and I just had, HAD, to write a yaoi fic for KodakaxYukimura. If you have no idea what or who I am talking about, well... Google is your friend. So, yeah...

PWP Alert!

Oh, and I was aiming to mimic the style of the light novel here. Hope I did okay.

Kodaka/Yukimura, Rating: R

I don't know why Yukimura came to my house, or even how (I don't remember giving him my address). As it was, though, he was sitting rather stiffly on my couch with a slight flushed look that I couldn't really explain.

For some reason he was wearing his usual maid outfit. Damn that Yozora for telling him he should wear it in the first place. Someone should pass a law saying he can't. He's way too cute in it...

I had served some tea for us. Yukimura had tried to do it himself, but I wouldn't be so rude as to have a guest serve me in my own home. He had babbled something about how I was such an honorable man, but since then hadn't said a word.

So we sat there, an uncomfortable silence filling my living room like a suffocating gas. Finally I couldn't take it anymore.

"Yukimura..." I said.

The sound of my voice broke the silence like a jackhammer. It startled him, too. Almost his entire glass of tea ended up on the front of his dress.

What the hell...?

"Ah! Aniki's tea that he prepared for me!" he cried. His face turned a darker shade of red.

More importantly, you're all wet now.

The dress started clinging to his chest. I had to look away.

"It's fine," I said. "You'll catch cold if you stay like that, though..."

I heard him fidget.

"Aniki is such a kind man, worrying about me. But I'm fine," he said.

I turned back to him just in time to catch him shiver. My air conditioner was running, after all.

"No, you aren't. Come on, I'll lend you something," I said.

I can't have you getting sick because of me.

"I couldn't!" he squeaked.

Too cute! Calm down, me. He's a guy, no matter if he is wearing a maid's dress.

I wouldn't take no for an answer, so I ended up half dragging Yukimura up the stairs to my room. When we got there I turned around to find a strawberry in a maid uniform.

Honestly, why was he blushing so much? And why did it make my heart skip a beat to see him do so?

Wait a minute...

"So this is Aniki's room..." Yukimura said, his voice full of awe.

"It isn't much," I said.

It really wasn't, either. Just a bed, a desk, some manga and light novels on a shelf and a couple of posters. Just a normal room.

He looked at it like it was a sacred temple. I heard him comment under his breath that my "minimalism" was the epitomy of manliness.

I sighed.

I walked over to my closet and rummaged through it to find something for him to wear. I pulled out a T-shirt and a pair of jeans for him.

"Okay, take off that outfit," I said as I turned back to him.

He nodded absently, then began working with the button at the back of his neck. He seemed flustered as he tried to get it undone.

That's right. He always has trouble with that one.

"Turn around," I said. "I'll unbutton it for you."

Yukimura obediently turned his back to me.

I stepped up behind him and slid the little plastic bit out of the hole, revealing the smooth, white skin underneath.

I couldn't help but stare at it, utterly entranced. Butterflies played in my stomach as an irrepressible urge suddenly welled up inside me.

Before I could stop myself I leaned forward and kissed the soft skin just below his hairline.

"Aniki..." he breathed.

I felt a stirring in my lower regions. In the back of my mind I was thinking that this is wrong. He's a guy, after all.

But that thought stayed in the rear.

"Yukimura..." my voice, barely above a whisper.

He turned around and looked at me with slightly glazed eyes. As he had moved, the fabric of his dress had slipped off one shoulder. I ran my fingers lightly over his bare skin, at which he shivered.

What am I doing?

I couldn't care enough to stop. All of my objections had been crammed into a tiny box in the back of my mind. Said box had been sufficiently locked up, too, by the flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips of the beautiful boy in front of me.

"I don't think I can stop myself," I told him.

"If it's you, Aniki, I don't mind," he replied breathlessly.

I cupped his cheek in my hand and gently angled his face so that I could lean down and kiss him. His lips tasted of the tea he'd been sipping earlier.

"Yukimura, do you like me?" I asked softly when I pulled away.

An odd expression passed over his face. Not something bad, just something I lacked experience enough to identify.

"It took Aniki long enough to realize," he replied.

It felt, then, like a dam exploded inside me. I pushed him up against my closed bedroom door and pressed my lips firmly against his. I felt them part ever so slightly, so I slipped my tongue between them. He met my fervor with his own.

The pressure between my legs was growing.

I'm not sure if I pushed it off or if it simply fell from the movement of two heated bodies, but before I knew it Yukimura's dress was on the floor. He stood there in boxers covered with the character for "man."

The fold his those boxers wasn't nearly enough to hide his own excitement.

I stepped back and just took his body in. His skin was fair and smooth. He was slender in frame, too. He may seem so much like a girl while wearing clothes, but looking at him now I could see that he was definitely male.

And I'm not just referring to his erection poking out from his underwear.

Though that did help. It also made my mind go almost completely blank. There were a few thoughts that managed to survive, though, the forerunner of which was that I wanted to make that erection come.

"Aniki..." Yukimura said shortly, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

I didn't say anything. Couldn't say anything, really. Instead I took him by the hand and maneuvered him to my bed. He just stood by it blankly, so I pushed him down onto it.

Another thought floated into my mind: I'm really glad that Kobato decided to go swimming today...

"Aniki..." Yukimura breathed again.

I decided that I really liked him calling me with such a sexy voice. It was really, really intoxicating.

I stared at his cock for a few seconds, wondering what I should do. In the end I just said "the hell with it" to myself and sucked it into my mouth.

He inhaled sharply and let out a quiet moan.

I worked him up and down for a while. His moans and panting as I sucked on him made my arousal worse and worse at each utterance. Before long I couldn't take it anymore.

"Ah, Aniki, I'm going to- AH!" He whined the last part.

I pulled off him just as he was about to come,apparently. I felt a little bad about it, but I was also very, very stiff and wanted very much to come myself.

If things went right, my actions would be making up for it anyway.

I hadn't ever given much thought to homosexual sex, but common sense told me that I couldn't just fuck him. Thankfully I had lotion... though no condoms.

Somehow I had the impression that he'd taken care of things so that I didn't really need the latter. And somehow I just knew my assumption was correct.

I retrieved my lotion.

"Lay on your stomach," I said.

He eyed the lotion for a moment before obediently following my order.

I pulled off his boxers, then shed my own clothing as fast as humanly possible. Then I squeezed some of the stuff onto my finger and leaned over him.

"You're sure about this?" I asked.

I know I had told him that I didn't think I could hold back, but I still didn't want to traumatize him through rape or anything. I really am not like that, no matter what the other Neighbor's Club members like to fantasize.

He whimpered longingly in response.

His face was buried in my pillow, his hands on either side of his head. His body was trembling with anticipation.

So was mine, for that matter. I wondered if I had really been wanting this the entire time...

I slipped my lotion covered finger into him. He moaned softly.

Somehow I had thought there'd be more resistance. I wondered if he had taken to masturbating this way.

"Yukimura, have you masturbated over me?" I asked while I fingered him. I couldn't clip my curiosity.

"Ah... Y-yes... I h-have," he moaned.

I seriously had to have him right then and there. It was like my body would explode if I didn't fuck him immediately.

I coated my penis with lotion, then crawled up onto the bed and positioned myself over him.

Another thought managed to surface, this one clouded over with much too much of Rika's weird mechxmech fetish. Oh, your Heavy Blaster Cannon feels so good!

Thank God, Yukimura's moaning and panting quickly banished that, though, else it would have totally killed my mood. As it was, though...

"An-aniki... hurry..." Yukimura whimpered.

I pressed into him with a groan. God, he was so tight and the heat from his body was almost overwhelming. He gasped beneath me, arching his back up a bit. I leaned forward and lay my hands on his, intertwining our fingers.

"I'm going to move," I whispered into his ear.

"God, y-yes, pl-please!" he replied.

His voice was so full of need and utter desire. I felt as if I managed to get harder. My penis felt as if it was about to explode from arousal.

I began moving inside him. It didn't take long at all before his whimpering was joined by my own moans and pants. Every few seconds or so he'd breathe out "Aniki..." in that ridiculously sexy voice of his and each time I could feel myself coming that much closer to climax.

Yukimura's moaning soon became cries of passion.

"Ah... A-ah...!" he panted. "A-aniki's is s-so good... So... So big."

I leaned my body close to his as I pressed into him harder. I had thought, at first, of being gentle and slow with him. It felt so good, though, that I had abandoned that idea, somewhat subconsciously, I admit, and was pushing into him without reservation.

He didn't seem to mind in the slightest. His body was reacting beautifully to what we were doing.

"Ah! Ah! A-ani... Aniki, I'm going to... G-going to... AH! I'm coming, Aniki!"

Before I quite realized what was happening Yukimura had dirtied my bedsheets with his orgasm. Not that I cared. I was too busy thrusting my cock into him.

His body spasmed about my erection and I couldn't hold back anymore. I came inside him with a loud cry of my own, then toppled over on top of him. My head came to rest on his shoulder blade as we both lay there panting uncontrollably.

After a while we both drifted off to sleep, Yukimura cuddled in my arms and my cock still buried inside him.

I had no idea at the time that Kobato had come home sometime during our intercourse and had heard us from the living room...

boys' love, shota, boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai

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