The Screw [a Harry Potter fanplay]

Mar 01, 2007 13:11

This was written back in 2004, before I discovered the joys of Harry/Draco shipping. The only serious pairing in this play is Ron/Hermione, and their scene is a bit cheesey. ^^; This fanplay is NOT to be taken seriously. My friend Kachi is to be blamed for the first Snape pairing. Ah, and it's rated PG-13 for gratuitous use of the word "screw." =D

Harry Potter cast/Harry Potter cast, humour. Rating: PG-13

-Act 1, Scene 1-

[Draco and Harry are conviently in a deserted room glaring at each other.]

Draco: I hate you.

Harry: I hate you, too.

[More glaring.]

Draco: Let's screw.

Harry: Okay.

[They screw. Hermione comes in, stops, and stares. Draco and Harry finish.]

Draco: What do you want, Mudblood.

Harry: Don't call her that, Malfoy!

[Draco nips Harry's ear; Harry melts. Hermione sweatdrops.]

Hermione: Actually, I came to find Harry. Ron's waiting for you so you can go to Quidditch practice together.

Harry: Oh, I almost forgot! See you later, Hermione!

[Harry starts to leave, then pauses and glares at Draco.]

Harry: I still hate you, Malfoy.

Draco: Oh, the feeling is mutual, Potter.

[Harry leaves. Hermione stares at Draco; Draco stares at his nails. There is a long silence.]

Hermione: ... I loathe you, Malfoy.

Draco: Do you?

Hermione: Absolutely.

[More silence.]

Draco: Shall we screw, then?

Hermione: Thought you'd never ask.

[They scew.]

-End Scene 1-

-Act 1, Scene 2-

[Harry and Ron are in the Gryffindor locker room. Ron looks upset.]

Ron: I must be the worst Keeper in the history of Quidditch!

Harry: Come on, Ron. You aren't that bad.

Ron: Come off it. Angelina threw the Quaffle straight at me and I still missed it! I'm hopeless...

Harry: I know what would make you feel better.

Ron: What?

Harry: Let's screw.

Ron: What?!

[Silence. Ron stares at Harry.]

Ron: Okay.

[They screw. Afterwards, they get their things and exit. Fred and George enter from opposite side stage.]

Fred: Did you see that, George?

George: I sure did, Fred.

Fred: Our little brother is growing up.

George: I'm so proud.

[They look at each other.]

George: Let's screw.

Fred: Again?

[George tackles Fred. They screw.]

Fred: Doesn't it ever bother you that we screw even though we are twin brothers?

George: Hey, I didn't come up with this pairing. You got a problem, take it up with the writer.

Fred: Oi, Shuu, I thought you weren't into the incest thing!

Shuu's booming voice: I didn't come up with the pairing either. I just write them, I don't make them. Now screw again~!

[There is a sound of a whip cracking. Fred and George screw again.]

-End Act 1, Scene 2-

-Act 2, Scene 1-

[Harry is in Occlumency with Snape.]

Snape: Prepare yourself, Potter!

[Snape begins, Harry frowns, then yells "No!" and pushes back. He sees a memory of Snape's (sidestage).]

Young Severus: I hate you.

Young Remus: I hate you, too.

[They glare at each other.]

Young Remus: Let's screw.

Young Severus: Okay.

[They screw. Flackback starts to fade out.]

Snape: Stop!

[Harry falls backwards. Snape is very red in the face and leaves the room.]

Harry: That was weird... Oh, look. The Penseive.

[Harry bends over Penseive and is dragged into it. He is thrown into another memory. Sirius and James are sitting in the library studying. Severus is a table over, also studying. It is, again, conviently empty.]

Young Sirius: I'm bored.

Young James: Oh?

Young Sirius: Yeah... Hey, look. There's Snape.

[Sirius and James look at each other; James grins wickedly.]

Young James: Oi, Snivelus!

Young Severus: What do you want, Potty?

Young James: Sirius is bored.

Young Severus: And?

Young James: Let's screw.

[Severus stares at him. Sirius just smirks.]

Young Severus: ... Fine.

[They screw. Sirius watches. Scene changes to the lawn. Sirius, James, and Remus are sitting under a tree. Severus is several meters away.]

Young Sirius: I'm bored.

Young James: Oh?

Young Sirius: Yeah... Hey, look. There's Snape.

[Sirius and James look at each other; James grins wickedly. Remus hides behind his book.]

Young James: Oi, Snivelus!

Young Severus: What do you want, Potty?

Young James: Sirius is bored.

Young Severus: And?

[James points his wand at Severus, he flips upside down and dangles in midair.]

Snape: Having fun, Potter?

[Harry jumps. Snape grabs him by his ear and drags him out of the Penseive.]

Snape: OUT! Get OUT!

Harry: Y-yes, Professor!

[Harry leaves. Snape scowles.]

-End Scene 1-

-Act 2, Scene 2-

[Harry is sitting in front of the fireplace with some Floo Powder in his hand.]

Harry: I have to know if my dad was really that mean!

[He throws powder into fire and sticks his head through. His head is then in the kitchen of Sirius's house. Sirius and Remus are at the table playing cards.]

Sirius: Got any three's?

Remus: Go fish.

Harry: Sirius! Professor Lupin!

[Sirius and Remus drop their cards. They stare at Harry's head in the fireplace.]

Sirius: Bloody hell, Harry. What are you doing here?

Harry: I just saw a memory of my dad being awful to Snape!

Remus: ~Professor~ Snape.

Harry: Whatever. I need to know what my dad was really like.

Sirius: Well...

[Flashback forms on side stage. Young Sirius and Young James are conviently alone in the Gryffindor common room.]

Young Sirius: I'm bored.

Young James: So am I.


Young Sirius: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Young James. Screw?

Young Sirius: Naturally.

[They screw. Flashback fades out.]

Sirius: He was an okay guy.

Remus: We were young and stupid, you know. But we grew out of it.

Sirius: That's right! Your dad was a great man.

Harry: Oh. Okay. Bye, then.

[His head dissapears. Sirius and Remus look at each other.]

Remus: That brought back so many memories...

Sirius: Yeah... Want to screw?

Remus: Of course!

[They screw.]

-End Act 2, Scene 2-

-Act 3, Scene 1-

[Ron and Hermione are conviently alone in the Gryffindor common room.]

Ron: Hermione... I have a confession to make.

Hermione: What is it, Ron?

Ron: I love you.

Hermione: Well it's about time you realised it!

Ron: Hey!

[They look at each other. There is silence. Ron is about three shades darker than his hair.]

Ron: Um...

Hermione: Want to go upstairs?

Ron: I guess, yeah...

[They go upstairs hand in hand, romantic music plays.]

-End Scene 1-

-Act 3, Scene 2-

[Everyone is in the Great Hall, including James and Lily. They are looking around in confusion.]

Sirius: Hey, Shuu, what's going on?

James: Yeah. Why are we all here? I thought I was supposed to be dead.

Lily: Way to remind us, James.

James: Sorry, Love.

Snape: Can we get back to the question? Why are we here?

Shuu's booming voice: The audience demands a big finish.

Draco: A what?

Shuu's booming voice: A big finish. A grand finale.

Fred: Meaning what, exactly?

Shuu's booming voice: Orgy!

[Everyone looks at everyone else. There is silence.]

Shuu's booming voice: Aww, come on. Do it for your fans.

George: Our fans...

James: For our fans!

Everyone: For our fans!

[Everyone screws everyone else in THE BIG SCREW. Fade out.]


-End Act 3, Scene 2-

boys' love, incest, heterosex, parody, harry potter

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