The Candlelit Room

Feb 25, 2007 22:05

WARNING!: Non-con shota! Orochimaru is "playing" with his new container.

Orochimaru/Sasuke, yaoi, non-con, shota. Rating: R

Sasuke stood in front of the unrolled futon clutching the robe he was wearing around his wiry frame. The room was dimly lit by candle sconces along the wall behind him and to one side. There were no windows and only a small wooden door. In front of him, sitting on a floor cushion around five feet away, was a man with pale skin and long, dark hair. Sasuke watched him through his bangs, curiosity mingled with the usual resentment and hatred. He wasn't sure why he was in this room, but he knew it wasn't going to be anything pleasant. The yellow, snake-like eyes that gazed back at him had a sort of hungry expression. It definitely wasn't going to be pleasant...
"Sasuke-kun," Orochimaru said slowly, licking his lips with his unnaturally long tongue, "Do you know why I've brought you here?"

The feeling the Sannin's voice gave Sasuke in the pit of his stomach gave him a dreadful idea, but he shook his head. "No," he said quietly. Inwardly he prayed that his idea was wrong. Somewhere in the deepest part of his being, however, he knew that it wasn't.

"You belong to me now," Orochimaru hissed, amusement apparent in his voice, "I want to see your body in all it's glory."

Sasuke didn't like how he had put emphasis on the word 'see.' "What... do you mean?"

"Saa..." the man hissed again, "Take off your robe, Sasuke-kun." Sasuke didn't move, and Orochimaru frowned slightly. "Now, now, Sasuke-kun... if you refuse to do what I say, I can always have Kabuto come and... assist you."

The way Orochimaru emphasized the end of his sentence made Sasuke drop the robe from around his shoulders immediately. He considered trying to hide behind his hands, but something told him that that wouldn't be appreciated. He stood there, the flickering candlelight dancing over his pale skin, staring at the floor. He could hear Orochimaru laughing quietly to himself, probably appreciating his quick victory. Sasuke's hatred for the old man burned inside his stomach.

'This is necessary,' he reminded himself, the face of his brother flashing before his mind's eye.

"Sit on the futon," Orochimaru instructed, interrupting Sasuke's thoughts.

The boy hesitated for only a second before complying. He was going to end up doing this anyway-- Orochimaru always got what he wanted-- so he might as well do it himself. The thought of having Kabuto "assist" him gave him chills up his spine. He knelt on the cushy futon, trying his best to keep himself from showing without trying to be too obvious about it.

Orochimaru tutted. "Sit so I can see."

Sasuke glared at him, which drew a wide grin from the man's snake-like face, and rearranged himself, sitting so that the soles of his feet were pressed together. This time he hid himself by leaning on his ankles and casting a shadow. Orochimaru didn't seem to mind. His yellow eyes spent what seemed like hours looking over the boy. Sasuke was sure that his cheeks were crimson, blushing in humiliation.

"Stroke it."

Sasuke's eyes went wide. He had realised, somewhat, that Orochimaru had brought him to this room to do something sexual, but he had assumed that the man would play with him and then leave him be. That thought alone was humiliating enough, but to have to touch himself in front of that hated man...

"I..." he began.

"I want to see you," Orochimaru's tone could not be argued with, even by the proud Uchiha, "Stroke it."

Hand trembling, Sasuke slowly reached between his legs and held his member in his hand. He refused to look at it as he moved his fingers around it. It was clumsy work, really, considering he wasn't aroused. The motions of his hand gained attention from his loins, but only a small portion.

"What's wrong?" Orochimaru growled.

Sasuke cursed inwardly. If he wasn't able to arouse himself, Orochimaru may resort to other tactics. He wasn't going to let his body be involuntarily manipulated by drugs or some perverted ninja technique. He searched his mind, trying desperately to find something that would send the blood between his legs. Suddenly his mind caught on a face that made Sasuke blush. He stared at his mental picture, the eyes of the other staring straight back at him with a great intensity.

He felt his member grow in his hand. He brushed his hand along it and took in a breath. It felt good. He tried hard to block out Orochimaru, to focus on the face in his mind, and stroked it again. A soft moan escaped. The person in his mind watched him, smiling as he picked up a kind of rhythm. Orochimaru praised him, but he didn't hear it. He leaned back against the wall, stroking himself, concentrating hard on his mental image. With this person in his mind, he could get through this. He was sure...

(fu... fu... ha ah.. ah~)

A hand pushed his aside and something warm and wet wrapped around his length. He opened his eyes to see Orochimaru, his long tongue wrapped around Sasuke's member. It moved and twisted around him, and despite the boy's hatred, he moaned loudly. The man pulled Sasuke away from the wall so that he was lying down, his arms falling to either side of his head. His mental picture began to fade, his line of sight filled with the face of Orochimaru, who was watching him while his tongue molested.

'No!' came Sasuke's inner voice. He shut his eyes, using a great deal of his will to draw the face back to his mind. It returned, eyes gazing at him brightly. He clutched at the futon, his grip on those sheets as strong as the grip on that person's image in his mind.

(ah ah... nnn ah-... fu fu~)

Sasuke came, the sensation ripping through his body like electricity. He could feel Orochimaru's tongue cleaning him, lapping up what he had spilled. It made him feel dirty and his mind's eye couldn't face the eyes of the person looking back at him. How could he gaze at such innocence after what he had just done?

He felt Orochimaru move and gave a sigh of relief. The man had touched him and humiliated him, but he had survived. He slowly let the image fade from his mind, an empty space remaining where it had been. He pushed up onto his elbows, ready to rise and leave this chamber, when he felt something wet and warm on him again. He cursed and dropped back onto the futon. Not through. Not done. He wracked his mind to find the person again.

Sasuke found the face again just as Orochimaru pressed the tip of his tongue into the boy's opening. It was slippery and it hurt and Sasuke had to bite down on his lip to keep from crying out. The tongue pressed farther in, pulled out, pushed in again, his body unwillingly giving way so that it could invade him.

He stared at the face in his mind. No.. this wasn't Orochimaru's tongue invading him, it was that person's fingers, gently stretching him. He let out a moan and felt the fingers go deeper. Cold hands forced his hips up from the futon, but they weren't cold, harsh hands. They were warm and tender and invited him to raise his own hips. The fingers moved away, the face in his mind smiled at him, and something hard pressed against his anus. That person... only that person could.

Orochimaru slid into Sasuke with a grunt and the boy cried out from pain. The Sannin pushed himself all the way in, then settled there, letting Sasuke get used to the feeling. (That person. Only that person...) He pulled partially out and then pushed back in, drawing another pained gasp from Sasuke. There was pleasure in that gasp, too. It hurt like hell, but somewhere in there was an erotic sensation that ran up the Uchiha's spine. Out, in. Out, in. Orochimaru took up a slow rhythm at first. He wanted to enjoy this body of Sasuke's, every inch of it.

(nn... na... fu... ah... ha- ha~)

The man pulled Sasuke upright, strong arms pushing him up and pulling him back down with a harsher pace than before. Sasuke's eyes opened wide, his face towards the ceiling. The dark pools refused to focus on anything, though, and the face loomed in front of him. He moaned and moved with Orochimaru's rhythm No... not Orochimaru's. That person's. It could only be that person. No one else.

Sasuke leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Orochimaru's neck. His skin was cold and almost clammy and his hair, though soft, was a bit greasy, but Sasuke only felt warmth and soft skin. The man reeked of blood and the dankness of the dungeon-like house in which he lived, but Sasuke didn't smell such things. His mind registered only the smell of vanilla soap, sweat, and miso. He moaned again, his breath causing goosebumps on Orochimaru's skin.

(nn... na- na... ah... fu fu... fu... ah~)

Orochimaru neared his climax. He moved Sasuke roughly now, the need to orgasm becoming greater. His tongue snaked out of his mouth and wrapped around Sasuke's member once more, constricting and releasing in time with his thrusts. Sasuke moaned, made him push harder.

"I... will fill... you, Sasuke... kun," he breathed, triumph in his voice, "and then... you will be mine... completely!"

He came hard, shooting his seed deep into Sasuke, his tongue tightening harder than before around the boy's length. Sasuke gasped and came, covering Orochimaru's stomach in sticky liquid. Electricity ripped trough him again and the face, large and clear as ever, grinned at him.



Kabuto knelt down beside the futon, rummaging in his med kit for a bandage. Sasuke lay unconscious, cuts and tears in his skin adding deep pools of red to the small puddle of sticky creaminess between his legs. Kabuto sighed, using his healing technique to mend the bones in the boy's left forearm before wrapping the gash that ran across it. Orochimaru's rage had been absolute, and only the fact that he didn't have the Sharingan yet kept the Uchiha boy alive. The medical ninja looked into Sasuke's unconscious face.

"Next time," he told the boy, "I would advise calling out Orochimaru-sama's name."


boys' love, masturbation, non-con, shota, naruto

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