A Summer Tail

Jul 21, 2014 04:07

I've had this fic on the back burner for months now... I've finally finished it!

Rin fails to bring Yukio his mineral water... again. A fight ensues, and then...

Yukio/Rin, Rating: R

Yukio’s mind was elsewhere, though where “elsewhere” was he hadn’t a clue. His lesson planner lay open on his desk alongside several demon pharmacology books and a scroll on demon physiology. Try as he might, he just couldn’t make himself focus on his work. The dorm he and Rin shared was positively boiling, and his brain was too addled to string even a single set of incomplete thoughts together, much less anything comprehensible. He chanced a a glance at the little thermometer hanging on the wall by the open window and sighed heavily at the reading. It was thirty-two degrees. Even the breeze was hot.

He sighed again and dropped his head to the desk. At the moment he felt it was too much effort to hold himself upright.

Suddenly the dorm door burst open. Yukio rolled his head to watch as Rin spilled into the room carrying a plastic bag almost overflowing with snacks from the canteen. He teetered over to his own desk and plopped down heavily into his chair with a great sigh. The bag hit the floor by Rin’s feet with a dull thud. Rin, for his part, stretched his limbs as far as they’d reach before flopping over into a position much like his twin’s.

“Fuckin’ hell, it’s hot!” he groaned, the tip of his tail twitching as if to emphasise the complaint.

Yukio sat up. He glanced at his brother’s tail before focusing his gaze on the bag of foodstuffs hoping to see the bottle of water Rin had promised to buy him.

“Nii-san… where’s my mineral water?”

Rin blinked as if coming out of haze. “Oh, yeah…” he said, then triumphantly, “No worries. I remembered this time!”

He leaned over and began rummaging through the bag full of not particularly healthy things that Yukio didn’t quite approve of when other people were looking. After a moment a look of distressed confusion settled onto Rin’s face as he began to search more frantically. Yukio sat back in his chair, arms folded across his chest, and watched his elder brother with a frown.

“Nii-san…” he sighed.

Rin glanced up from his search for only about half a second. “No, wait!” he said, flicking his tail slightly. “I didn’t forget! It’s gotta be in here somewhere…”

Shortly he snatched the bag off the floor and upended its contents onto his desk, staring at the mess in disbelief. Three pre-packaged breads, two bags of fruit gummies, a box of pocky that must have absolutely melted into a mass of chocolate inside the foil wrappers, a banana, some rice crackers, and a bottle of lychee flavoured ramune that almost rolled off the desk. Yukio’s water was nowhere to be found. He looked up at his twin with a sheepish look on his face, and his tail sagged to the floor behind him.

“… It’s… not here,” he said.

“Obviously,” Yukio clipped. He took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

“I did buy it…”

“So where is it, then?”

Rin stared at the empty bag, its edges flapping in the breeze produced by the oscillating fan. “Maybe it fell out somewhere?” he offered lamely.

Yukio slipped his glasses back on. “That’s a convenient explanation, isn’t it?”

A shadow fell over Rin’s features. “There’s nothing ‘convenient’ about it!” he snapped. He turned his back on Yukio and began gathering his horde of snacks back into the bag. His tail jerked from side to side in annoyance.

Yukio’s frown deepened as his eyes were drawn to his twin’s twitching tail. “Either way, you didn’t bring my water. Again.”

Rin glowered over his shoulder. “It’s not like I meant to lose it, ya know.”

“That isn’t important, Nii-san,” Yukio chided. “In the end you still failed to manage to comeplete the simple task that had been asked of you.”

Rin’s tail thumped angrily against the floor. “You make it sound like I can’t do anything right.”

“I’m only judging based on past experiences,” Yukio responded flatly.

Rin’s face drooped in a sort of furious pout, and he turned away from his brother again. He stared hard through the window at the sweltering, cloudless sky. “I liked you better when you were little and cute…” he sulked, still flailing his tail about like an angry cat.

Yukio rolled his eyes and turned back to his lesson planner. He should have gone out for the water himself, but he was too busy being stubborn, and besides, this lesson wasn’t going to arrange itself. For a little while he tried to work, but considering the circumstances he managed to make approximately zero headway. Not only did he feel as if he was being slow roasted in an oven and his mouth felt like it was full of cotton, he had a new distraction: he could see Rin twitching his tail in his peripheral vision. He found it to be highly irritating.

“Nii-san,” he said without looking up, “can you at least not do that?”

Rin ignored him, as did his tail.

Yukio’s patience reached a critical limit. He knew, somewhere inside his mind, that he was only this upset because it was so bloody hot, but at the moment he didn’t particularly care. Rin was in the wrong here. He was the one who had broken his word. He also had to know how irriated Yukio was. He had no excuse, then, to sit there and childishly incite his brother further. As such, Yukio didn’t feel particularly apologetic as he stood, stalked the short distance between his desk and his brother’s, and snatched Rin’s tail into his fist.

“AH!” Rin cried, his body lurching forward so that he almost hit his forehead on his desk.

Startled, Yukio dropped his brother’s tail. He knew tails were a demon’s weakness- that was basic demon physiology- but he hadn’t grabbed it that hard. He hadn’t expected such a strong reaction, either… or, perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that it wasn’t quite the reaction he was expecting. Rin was scowling at him, a blush painted across his face that stretched from the tip of one pointed ear to the other. Tears shined indignantly in the corners of his eyes.

Realisation dawned on Yukio. “Ah…” he said simply.

And awkward silence settled over the room like a heavy blanket. Rin’s gaze was again aimed past the open window, but his eyes were unfocused and obviously not seeing much. Yukio, too, gazed into the sky outside, his mind racing with thoughts he was pretty sure he ought not to have. Perhaps it was the heat, or maybe it was because he was tired, or possibly it was because he was overworked and overstressed, but at the moment his brain was focusing on nothing else except the look on his brother’s face, the sound of his gasp, the rosy colour that spanned from ear to ear, other completely un-brotherly like things. In the haze of a rising heat within his body, Yukio snaked out his hand and caught Rin’s tail in his fist again, close to where it merged into the back, as his brother had attempted to protect it by curling it into his lap.

Rin’s voice echoed off the paneled walls, and his body shook violently from the shock of what Yukio suspected was a sudden orgasm. His inner warmth was increasing, and the rational part of his brain was quickly shutting down.

“Yukioooo,” his twin whined, whipping his head around to present a confused glare to his brother.

This time Yukio did not let go, opting instead to watch as tiny shivers pulsed across Rin’s flesh.

“Hey, Nii-san…” Yukio said in a soft, husky voice that he hadn’t known he was capable of. He felt like he wanted to say something else, needed to say something else, but no words would come. Nothing at all, save for the intense desire to make every bit of Rin his. He leaned forward slowly, the remaining reason left in his consciousness holding him back by a thread. The carnal side, however- that part of him that wanted this despite Rin being a demon, despite him being another man, despite him being his own flesh and blood- pushed ahead, stretching well past the tensile strength of his rationale. It snapped completely as his lips met his brother’s.

At first Rin tried to resist, to pull away from his younger brother, but Yukio slipped his free hand behind his head and kept him from running away. The pressure Yukio kept on his twin’s tail kept him from being able to fight back too terribly much, but Yukio wasn’t entirely sure he really wanted to anyway. Before long Rin had stopped his feeble struggle and was returning the kiss in full, to the point where he parted his lips invitingly. Yukio obliged, slipping his tongue into his brother’s mouth. Rin tasted like his favourite Gori Gori-kun popsicle.

He felt his glasses being removed, heard the small thunk as they landed on the desk behind them. Rin’s arms wrapped around his neck, and Yukio let his own drop from his brother’s hair and slide up under his tank top. His skin was hot and slick with sweat, and Yukio could feel the heavy thumping of his heart through his chest. He absently stroked Rin’s tail, the suede like fur sliding easily through his fingers. His brother’s grip on him instantly tightened to almost painful levels, and his sharp intake of breath passing between both their lips made Yukio feel lightheaded.

Yukio finally pulled away from the kiss, and the look on Rin’s face that greeted him made his heart skip a beat. His eyes were glazed over and his lips, bright red from prolonged contact with his own, were still parted a bit. He reached up and caressed his twin’s cheek, and his brother obediently nuzzled his palm.

“Nii-san…” Yukio breathed, an unvoiced question lingering in his tone.

Rin tilted his head to the side. “Maybe it’s okay that you aren’t little anymore,” he said quietly.

Yukio couldn’t stand it any longer. “Nii-san,” he repeated. “I’m going to take you to bed.”

Finally he released his brother’s tail. He took Rin’s hands and pulled him to his feet, then led him over to his bed. Rin stood staring at it for a long moment, perhaps because the reality of what Yukio was planning was settling in, before pulling off his shirt and flopping onto his back on the mattress. He stared up at his younger brother expectantly.

The last sliver of rational thought sparked in Yukio’s brain. “Nii-san, are you sure?” he asked tentively. “I mean… you know what this means?”

Rin nodded. “Yukio,” he said his twin’s name in almost a whimper, “I’m not a kid.”

Yukio knelt on the bed between Rin’s legs, and when he did his brother leaned up, wrapped his arms around his neck once more, and pressed his mouth next to Yukio’s ear. “I want you to fuck me, Yukio,” he whispered.

Yukio swallowed hard. “Then…” he started, then had to try again. “Then take off your clothes… and get on your hands and knees.”

Embarrassment flashed across Rin’s face, but after a moment he shuffled around to comply. He rolled off the bed and proceeded to push his shorts to the floor. His tail swayed from side to side as he shed his boxers, too, and Yukio watched it as a cat might watch a dangling string. Just as his brother was about to turn back to the bed he reached out and caught the fluffy tuft at the end between his fingers. Rin moaned loudly, falling back into his brother’s lap.

Yukio reached around and grabbed Rin’s cock in his other hand. “You’re so cute, Nii-san,” he cooed, stroking both erection and tail at the same time.

Rin’s body shuddered against his, and his breathing seemed to all but stop. Rin’s heightened body heat was excruciating combined with the already ridiculously high summer heat, but Yukio didn’t care. The sounds of his twin’s choked gasping, of him panting his name between shallow gulps of air, was enough to make up for how hot it was. He bowed his head, down enough so that he could kiss his brother on his neck, just where it met his shoulder. He kissed him several more times before giving him a sharp bite. Just as his teeth brushed skin, Rin came all over his hand.

“Yu… Yuki… o…” he moaned between short, uneven breaths.

Yukio licked the come from his fingers, still gently stroking the soft tip of his twin’s tail. “Are you alright, Nii-san?” he asked gently.

Rin jerked his head in a nod. He paused just long enough to catch his breath before pushing away from Yukio’s embrace and repositioned himself on the bed. Lacking the strength to hold himself up, he propped himself up on his elbows and knees, his face half buried in the linens. Yukio ran his hand tenderly over his brother’s bum and the base of his tail, delighting in the erotic way his body quivered at his touch. Just a few caresses had brought his twin’s cock back to full attention, set him back to whimpering into the bedsheets.

Yukio stood only long enough to disrobe. Once he was naked, feeling just a tiny bit cooler, he knelt on the bed behind his brother. He leaned forward, kissed his brother’s tail right at the point where it melded into his back, then settled back on his heels and pressed a finger against Rin’s opening.

He blinked in surprise. “You’re wet here, like a woman would be,” he commented. Apparently there were some bits about demon physiology that he still needed to learn.

“Sh-shut up,” came Rin’s flustered, muffled reply.

Yukio smiled. “That isn’t a bad thing,” he said, pushing his finger inside his brother. “It will make this a lot easier.”

Rin just moaned in reply.

Yukio slid his finger deeper into him, then slowly pulled it out again. He did it again, and again, and soon he added another finger and then another. Rin responded beautifully, his passionate cries filling Yukio’s ears as he lost himself in what he was doing. Rin’s tail was swishing about, almost like a dog wagging his tail. As Yukio nudged in yet another digit he again caught Rin’s tail in his free hand. Wanting to keep both his hands available, but not wanting to get whapped in the face, he popped the tip into his mouth to keep its movements contained. He then set to work massaging Rin’s cock with his free hand, keeping rhythm with his other work. Without really thinking about it, he started sucking on it the tail in his mouth. Rin’s body contracted almost painfully around his fingers as he came with a loud groan.

Yukio pulled his fingers out and let Rin’s tail drop from his mouth. His brother was obviously exhausted; Rin’s tail was now twitching weakly on Yukio’s lap, the moistened fluff at the end brushing against his own weeping erection, making him shiver despite the heat.

He gave Rin just enough time to catch his breath before setting upon him again. He gave his twin’s tail a firm stroke from base to tip, causing Rin to gasp so loudly that the sound filled the room completely before escaping through the open windows. Not content with the level of arousal he’d caused in his brother, Yukio had come up with a wonderful idea. He gently folded the longer hair at the tip of his brother’s tail over so that it would not get pulled, then slid Rin’s tail where his own fingers had just been. The sensation sent a shock wave through Rin’s body so hard that Yukio watched as it consumed him, but before his twin could come yet again, as he was sure he would, Yukio wrapped his fingers around the base of Rin’s cock, preventing him from doing so.

“Yukio!” Rin whined, so loud that it bordered on a scream. Yukio was suddenly very glad that there was no one else living in their dorm building.

Yukio was almost at his limit, the pressure between his legs becoming unbearable, but still he was not ready to take his brother completely. A part of him was enjoying too much the way Rin was shivering from head to toe in an absolute pleasure that bordered on pain, the way that Rin’s voice, hoarse and pleading, rang in his ears as he fucked him with his own tail. It was so sexy that Yukio could barely stand it, and his cock was leaking precome down its length enough that it was pooling in the little crevices around his balls.

Rin’s cries had become incoherent begging, and finally Yukio had to give in. Without stopping what he was doing, he shifted himself on the bed, positioning himself behind his twin. With as smooth of a motion as he could manage, he removed his hand from Rin’s cock, tugged his tail out of his ass, and thrust himself into fill the void, grabbing the base of Rin’s tail and pulling back on his hips as he did so. Instantly Rin came yet again, so incredibly hard that his entire body tensed completely from the shock of it. The pressure on Yukio’s cock was so great that it prevented him from coming, even though his twin’s intense heat and the exquisite feeling of his slick insides was enough that he really needed to. Long seconds passed as Rin’s orgasm evacuated his body, and it wasn’t until he was fully spent that he was able to relax enough for Yukio to climax within him.

“Nii-san…!” Yukio cried as he flooded Rin’s insides with what felt like all the life he had in him.

The pair of them exhausted, they collapsed into a heap of tangled limbs and panting bodies on the bed. Rin had just enough energy left to give Yukio a small peck on the lips before he passed out. For a long while Yukio lay watching Rin as he slept. He wanted to sleep, too, but he was now very overheated and thirstier than he’d ever been in his life. Though he couldn’t find it in him to be angry at Rin for forgetting his water anymore, he still acknowledged that at the moment he really needed something to drink. After regaining the ability to breath normally again, Yukio extracted himself from his brother’s embrace and rolled over to get off the bed and go take a shower.

It was then that he saw it, and he couldn’t help but laugh. Underneath Rin’s desk, apparently having fallen out of the bag when he’d dropped it on the floor, was Yukio’s water.

boys' love, incest, blue exorcist

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