
Jan 03, 2009 07:49

that a certain someone didn't return the keys when she was supposed to. This meant that she had the keys to both Ben's apartment and mine (since Ben's roommate left her his spare since she wanted to borrow the microwave) while neither of us (or Ben's roomie) were there. Not comfortable with that. This also meant that Ben was unable to enter my apartment to see what condition it was in when he returned (>_< apparently his apartment has more bugs now. this probably means that my apartment is also infested, but that Ben won't be able to do anything about it until he finally gets the keys back), move more stuff in/rearrange stuff, or at least check to see if the new roomie's back.

quite annoyed. But enjoyed most of my stay in Hawai'i (heavy rains, the blackout, and thunderstorms made parts of it less than pleasant), and am looking forward to returning to Stanford again (yay for being able to use delicious chili sauces again! And for finally being able to make the dessert that I had no time to make before I left!)

Also, Aunty's bunny is very cute. They let it out if its cage while I was there, and it let me pet it while it hopped around, sniffing about for the food bag.
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