Feb 14, 2009 23:41
So, trying to get ready for my stupid 'how-to' speech, I'm teaching myself how to make my own sketchbooks. It's fairly simple unless your able to screw it up like I have.
Right off the bat, just loading my stapler, I shoot a staple into my finger. Went most of the way in too. Then proceeded to bleed ALOT when I took the staple out.
But yeah, trying to make my own sketchbooks. I've learned alot since starting.
-I need new blades for my exato knife because mine can't cut shit
-Foam core sucks for this and like, no stores have Corrugated Cardboard (we went to TWO Jo Ann's, a Home Depot, and Office Depot)
-Don't use bed sheets. They aren't think enough.
-Invest in a hot glue gun. Tacky glue is messy as shit.
Figure it's good to learn all this now before I have to give my speech, but I was hoping to have a nice one made before class. Don't...think that will happen :(