(First of all, this cover is freaking awesome. If anyone wants it, tell me and I'll upload it for you guys. I cried the first time I heard it, and Takui's voice is just so strong and beautifulSecondly: This is not going to be friends-locked because~ a couple of people actually asked for me to let it remain public for linking purposes. Um.... okay.
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I don't remember ever accepting fanfiction couples as being representations of life. I fuse my characters on personality over looks, though some of them still wouldn't be compatable for long in There was one fic I was working on (which never got published...>>;; thank God?) were I had Ryuuji paired with this OC who the Ryou directed narrative made a point of mentioning as a chubby (♥ the word, yo) and so forth, comparing him to Ryuuji for the sake of description and a shameless excuse for a paragraph. ^~
But yeah, I just remembered that...I gotta work on that fic again sometime. ^^'' *should stop putting spontaneous thoughts in replies, then they may be shorter*
Anyway, back to your initial post; I agree. To me at least, manga, anime, j-rockers, and what have you are art and idealization. I do not associate them with reality, but I am now questioning these people around me...>>;; (You know, this may just be an excuse for me to make them listen to public radio, yo. ^___^) I believe a few of my friends are those die-hard fangirls "couple all the pretty boys, hurrah, huzzah" types. Of course, then there's Amanda-sama who went into shock after reading FAKE because she had the exact opposite ingrained into her mind, that all gay couples were not attractive.
This rant-ish thing (I shall avoid claiming it is a rant for you, dear) also reminds me of the sissy!uke rant. I believe (no, I KNOW, muwah >) ) that also sneaks into real life when fic writers/readers see gay couples and assume the one that is just slightly more feminine (even if they have to squint thier eyes and throw small vermin at the couple to see who makes the louder reaction) is a definite bottom. It's not the idealized pretty boys which irritate me most, it is the assumptions on sexual position. Really, it is so unlogical. You don't know unless they tell you, and then you're not entirely certain unless you sit and watch the sex every time for any variation (and you know how everyone is scared of variation *sarcasm*).
But yeah, I gotta get to class five minutes ago. *bad closer* Jaa nee! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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