Greetings from Aguas Calientes, near Macchu Picchu

Jun 17, 2005 14:51

Hi everybody!! This is the intrepid cat reporting from Aguas Calientes, Peru. I will tell you this place is beautiful... but the hills are killing me. The height is not as bad as in Cusco... but still the hills... are alive with the sound of my labored breathing. Nya! >.<
There have been many ups and downs in this trip, namely the altitude problem. On the upside, this place is magical! You can almost see the Inca as they made their way through the camino del inca to their capital city. Its a beautiful place. On the downside... I am considering the idea of killing my director. She drives us nuts. I havent had a chance to stop and smell the flowers... My allergies are killing me... and she insist I sing. I sound like a male right now! The receptionist told me last night "Mr, it seems somebody left the water running." So guess how I will croak... I mean sing tonight!.
Otherwise, everything is fine. The hotel is very cute (if you can overlook the fact that the stairs to the 3rd floor must be taken in hand and foot. They are very steep...) the cusco hotel is also very nice... but I fell in love with the Roosevelt in Lima. Nya!!! I miss my mother! Even if in PR the heatwave is causing electricity failures... there I can breathe and walk with more ease... nya!!! I think my times as a goat are over...nya!
(Don´t pay any attention to my rants... I am feeling sick... nya! Tomorrow will be better surely.)
I will continue thinking about my fanfic... Ren... how I miss you!!!! T.T.... Good news... the dog found me some new information on Ren....nya!!!!
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