I bring you a little something to show I haven't forgotten you at all! nya!! The cat made a drawing of... guess who??? Yes! Ren!
Please be appraised the cat is not a pro at drawing... I just like to draw.
Not too good, nya! But I am so happy with how it came out!
not bad, huh? Still... I'm not happy with the angle of the head or the way the mouth came out... :sighs: what the hell! Nothing is ever perfect!
My life has been pretty hectic recently... I am preparing everything for my little trip to Peru, Vane is thinking of holding up a bank to get the money... I want to lend it to her but she won't let me... I understand... but I so want her to go!! nya! Thanks the inu and her mother I now have enough clothes to go to Peru and back...nya!! So pretty!!