Still no pics of the 15th... T.T sorry!!

Apr 22, 2005 22:18

Today I was a bit sick so I got to work late ^.^;
They took off the decorations already... I was glad to see them go... Now I can relax for secretaries day!!! They are taking us to eat out at the place they always take us... we love it and they (the managers) hate it!!! they want to try new places... we dont! so then... its secretaries day!!! shove it!! nya!!! I didnt go to choir concert... I couldnt find my uniform top... and I was not feeling very social to tell the truth... its a shame I couldn't make it though... it seems it was a fun concert... the director had to enter and speed up the pace set by the choir.... nya!! I would have loved to see that!!! I don't feel bad that I didn't go to karate because practice was suspended due to the heavy rains. Spoke to Nico-sensei... his computer that's why I don't have my pics yet...nya!! T.T so I will have to wait before posting. SO my week has been quite nice even if I do feel sick today and not very sociable... Next week that should be resolved... so then Baicha!!!

For those who didn't know I was a teen at heart!!!(I wonder who you were!)

You scored as Age 13-19 years. Yeah, you're cool! Live life like you'll be 18 forever! WHOOP!

Age 13-19 years
Age 0-12 years
Age 36-70 years
Age 71+ years
How old is your SOUL?
created with

This one is really cool... absolutely correct!

You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative
What is Your World View?
created with

I dunno how accurate this is... :P

You are Strength. You exhibit not only physical
strength, but internal as well. You are not
flashy, your strength is quiet and reserved.
You will persevere through courage, resolve and
composure. You are Strength, you will lead
others through their darkest hours.

Which Tarot Card are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Oh, God!! Now I know Why I cant sleep!!! I am Morpheus!!! I am too busy making others fall asleep with my prattle!!!


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Were there any doubts regarding this truth???

Your Heart is Yellow

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

And now for the coup de grace!

Or maybe this version would fit me more??

But this one is so cute!!!

I still prefer the first one... *blush* Forgive me Ren!!!

This is all for tonight folks... a pleasure getting your attention!!!
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