Remember Timothy McVeigh...

Apr 07, 2009 18:23

I know that I probably shouldn’t be writing this… But it is something that has brought my fear and anger to a boiling point recently… a family member is joining in the Wing-Nut tea Party in Sacramento next week. Now... Both Amanda and I have Conservatives in our families... As well as some Conservative friends (at which we have locked horns with once or twice.) Though, to my knowledge, all of them are rational, intelligent people who often can see through the BS... Just having a difference of Opinion... I’m fine with that, as no one opinion is the right answer as that answer lies somewhere between. What I’m not in any way ok with are the people like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Riley and Michelle Bachhman among others... Ann Coulter.. Though, much as these words burn my tongue upon their exit... I feel that Bill is actually rather innocent among such filth as the other three.

Glenn... I wish more people had your number... You are an insane bigot that has built his career on the blood sweat and tears of others only to mock them daily on your show... How dare you go on your show on moment and mock those who lost whole families in the World Trade Center then call for people to "Remember the heroism of 9/11". How dare you!

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And his greatest hits album doesn't stop there, he is repulsive enough to mock innocent people. Going after Obama's Aunt. There is a line you do not cross as a journalist. When you take personal insults to a personal level you should be FIRED.

Beyond that Glenn, how dare you incite people to fear! Your "War Room" segment is repulsive. At a time when people are needing inspiration, hope, and encouragement you bring them doomsday scenarios of the end times! Saying Obama is the anti-christ, that he is the bringer of the end of days... Not only is this nonsense, but completely counter productive!!

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Its things like this that rather than encouraging people to get out and make a difference, it incites them to VIOLENCE.

Then you have the audacity to start this little whopper up.

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Do I have any problem with us getting back to that moment... When people stood in the street and sang... When people stood and cheered for every Fireman or civil servant came from the wreckage... No... But what just makes me want to puke is to think that it was the people who lost that... When it was none other their government officials that lost it for them. It was the republican president that told the people to spend and be merry or the terrorists win! ... "I ask your continued participation and confidence in the American economy. Terrorists attacked a symbol of American prosperity; they did not touch its source." - G.W. Bush 9/20/01 Why in the world would you give a care less about the participation of the economy? "Conquer your fear, spend money!!!" It is imbecilic thought of that kind that destroyed the fragile peace in the wake of 9/11...

Then we come to Michelle Bachmann... Someone who's paranoid delusions are becoming almost infamous.... Her recent chart topper is the delusion that Obama's creation of a domestic Peace Corp to be a brainwashing camp for America’s youth, a la Nazi Germany...

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Its Wing-nuts like this that just further the paranoia in this country. I know some people out there that feel that they should just ignore people like Bachmann like that bum muttering to himself about Squirrel waffles in the corner... That would be fine if there weren't people that listen to this woman and applaud her delusions.

Then at the bottom of the top 3 list... Sean Hannity... Truely the second coming of Tucker Carlson. A Conservative Wing-Nut that thinks of Cable use as showbiz. And how this guy can be openly racist and people adore him makes me baffled. (Sure Leo Tyrell is a bit of a douchebag in his own right) but how can Hannity get away with this?

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This segue ways into the disgusting racism of Ann Coulter... I’m not even going to explain this... Just watch the hypocrite in action.

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For less edited clips...

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This is horrifying...

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She can't even answer the question and procedes to dig herself into a ditch of bigotry and hatred.

This is comical.

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Now what is the point of all this??

That last clip has a nice segue way into the title... This storm that the Republican's created is just making a fast-track for hate... They are legitimizing racism and violence by creating stars out of these people. Much like James Adkisson. A man who murdered two innocent people in cold blood for no other reason than they were liberal... (Here is a link to the actual letter he wrote.) Though for those who don't want to suffer through his horrible handwriting... A few choice quotes...
"Know this if nothing else: This was a hate crime. I hate the damn left-wing liberals. There is a vast left-wing conspiracy in this country & these liberals are working together to attack every decent & honorable institution in the nation, trying to turn this country into a communist state. Shame on them....

"This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book. I'd like to kill everyone in the mainstream media. But I know those people were inaccessible to me. I couldn't get to the generals & high ranking officers of the Marxist movement so I went after the foot soldiers, the chickenshit liberals that vote in these traitorous people. Someone had to get the ball rolling. I volunteered. I hope others do the same. It's the only way we can rid America of this cancerous pestilence."

"I thought I'd do something good for this Country Kill Democrats til the cops kill me....Liberals are a pest like termites. Millions of them Each little bite contributes to the downfall of this great nation. The only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is to kill them in the streets. Kill them where they gather. I'd like to encourage other like minded people to do what I've done. If life aint worth living anymore don't just kill yourself. do something for your Country before you go. Go Kill Liberals.
" As the person who brought this up also points out there are three things this aweful person brought to our attention.

One: we are no longer safe, not even in our own houses of worship. It's ironic that progressives -- the subgroup of Americans who were most determined not to abandon reason and succumb to overblown fears of Islamic terrorism in the wake of 9/11 -- now have good, serious reasons to fear real domestic terrorism against themselves.

Two: A significant part of this country's media infrastructure is thoroughly devoted to inciting people to commit horrific acts of violence against us -- and now, we know for a fact that people are acting on those incitements. It's time to start taking this far more seriously. What goes out across our airwaves these days isn't all that different from what went out over Radio Rwanda a decade ago, spurring that country to genocide. At this point, it's only a difference of degree.

Three: The right wing has, as usual, grossly underestimated our courage and our commitment. The members of Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist quickly and effectively disarmed and captured this man within seconds after he opened fire. Adkisson expected fear; what we got was determined resistance. It's why he's still alive today, and why more UUs aren't dead by his hand. The TVUUA congregation should be our enduring example of liberal grace under fire.

Adkisson's "manifesto" should end any doubts we ever had about how virulent and dangerous hate talk is, or whether or not that talk will eventually translate into action.

That last line should be taken to heart... No Bernard Goldberg's comments didn't directly cause it. It would be foolish to suggest that... It was the sum of everyone’s hate that drove him to use Goldberg's book as a tool to channel that anger into something tangible. Much as the Waco shootout was for Timothy McVeigh... The man to the end has little to no remorse for his actions... That innocent lives lost were "A nature of the beast" Or as military speak usually puts it "Acceptable loss"...

The frightening thing this time around... As History is once again repeating itself... Is that unlike before... The 2008 presidential race has proven that adequately skewed news can influence people quickly and violently... Media "Personalities" such as the ones above realize that they can harness this to generate ratings and line their pockets... Most of which probably don't believe one word of what comes out of their mouths... (Except for Ann Coulter and Michelle Bachman, making me wonder if they are related...) They care not that their "message" is inciting people to violence.

I do know... Not everyone is taking this to the extreme. But what I have to say, putting my foot down... Is that I feel that people like those shown above, their supporters in my eyes are as equal to the problem. It is those people who build the podium higher and louder so their voice is heard greater and farther... Spreading their hate and paranoia to all those around them...

I am sorry if this may alienate some people... But I have had enough of it... I have hopes, dreams, and desires, and much to their dismay... Beliefs... If you wish to continue to crusade to take away my rights, my beliefs and dreams... As well as that of those I know, love and cherish... I simply wish to not associate with you as when the time comes and your irrational fear and anger cause more grief and anguish, I will not have a tear to shed even in irony.

I have disabled comments because I really don't care for feedback... This is just me voicing my concerns and frustrations.
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