
Sep 07, 2005 12:15

Thanks to all of my LJ friends that commented on my last entry. I was just curious as to who would, and what they would say. ^_______________^

Not much to say besides that, other than Japanese class is fun, Swing dance is interesting, but I'm not so sure about touching so many people that I don't know (;">>), and EMT class... well, is extremely enjoyable, and I have it again tonight. ^___^

Oh, and as for my job, Monday turned out to be a 3 hour orientation (again o.0) and the next days of work are just training...... because, apparently, ticket takes are retarded, and don't know how to deal with monies or poeple until "properly" trained for 2+1+3+1+5+7+X=hours. Yes, by then end, it will be 19 + whatever isn't already scheduled for hours that I will have been trained (X). Oh well, as long as I'm getting paid.


...Oh, and Fullmetal Alchemist is still an awesome series. I don't care if it is cliche to plug a show, game, or band in the end of an LJ, you should all watch it.

Thanks to all of m LJ friends ^^
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