I can write off today for studying. Today all I wanted to do was hang out with people.
I talked for two hours in Musser lounge, then went to dinner. Went to Ebony practice, and got linespanked as punishment for not coming to a rehearsal last Friday. Man Dance is hardcore. Then I went BACK to Musser, and finally to Sayles. Somewhere in there I heard there had been a get-together back home, and realized that's where I wanted to be today.
All this time I pretended like I should be studying, but I can tell you, almost none of that got done.
I'll lj-cut this, because it's a little
I was sitting in Sayles tonight, when suddenly I decided to start experimenting with the energy in my body. I found two sources of energy, and their dichotomy was quite fascinating.
The first, and easier energy to draw out, came out of my back. It was cold, prickly, like a steel nail grazing the skin of my neck at infinite points. This energy felt deeper, more appreciative, more vulnerable, and more generous. I feel I could use this energy to give myself.
The second, more difficult energy would flow out of my chest, at the bottom of my sternum. While the cold energy was almost automatic, I had to consciously throw switches in my body to get this stuff out. But when it did come out, it was hot, smothering the parts of my arms where I felt it. This energy felt strong, rebellious, selfish. I could take what I wanted with this energy.
The cold energy could be turned on and off like a tap, but I felt like too much of it would be crippling. I couldn't get enough hot energy to tell how large amounts of it would affect me. At this point maybe I could use the cold when my temper overrode my logic, as it would flow from my back into my shoulders and upper body. The hot could be used as motivation, as it would flow from my chest down into my arms and legs.
Just wanted to get those thoughts out there before I lost them. For all I know, this could be the last time I think about it.