Mar 08, 2010 01:45
5 more days! Eee!
Anywhos- Wal-Mart I got food … and socks. Because the stupid dryers here fucking eat socks, I swear they do! I check the washers and dryers meticulously and every damn time I do laundry I lose socks. That and I got other …. stuffs. Stuffs that shall remain unnamed XD
THEN WE GO TO TARGET! I kinda love/hate Target here. It’s Target, so it’s a million times better than Wal-Mart, but the Target here …. well, I’m going to be honest here- it sucks. So I want to get better pajamas because what I have now … hmmmm … booty shorts just ain’t my thing XD I like the booty to stay COVERED by the clothing. Crazy, right?! Anywhos got me some tank tops and shorts! 8D Which makes me more happy than it should. It really does.
But Target and Wal-Mart were not the highlights of the day. Nope. It was the stuff AFTER that.
NONE OF YOU KNOW (because I haven’t been posting) BUT MY LAST HAIRCUT WAS A DISASTER! They cut it the wrong shape, wrong length, and overall, made a disaster zone on the top of my head, but because they cut it too short, nada they could do. Well, my hair has grown out since then and it has had a lock that sticks straight up all the time no matter what. It drives me insane. And because she thinned it out weird and pieced it weird my hair looked like shit. I kid you not. So guess what? I treated myself to a haircut. But the place we go is apparently not your typical salon deal. All the ladies in there except one are old enough to be my mother, I kid you not. And as such their taste in style is … less than desirable. I was like WHERE ARE ALL THE YOUNG PEOPLE WHO KNOW CURRENT HAIRSTYLES?! It was crazy. For those of you wondering, this wasn’t some little family run business thing- it was a chain. Great Clips I think? Anywhos, the lady sees my hair and is like dying because she’s going to have to try to salvage a decent hairstyle outta this mess. So older lady, dressing like an older lady …. Is trying to cut my hair. She actually did a good job. Cut off over half of my hair. It’s just … when she styled it … she made me look like a poodle. My hair is already thick and has lots of volume as is. She adds in a volumizing gel and then uses hairspray in my bangs to poof them up and more volume More Volume MORE VOLUME! I died.
So we go to the mall of all places, with me looking like a poodle. My mother is laughing at me (after telling me I got it cut too short. In my opinion they didn’t cut it short enough). Anywhos we go to the mall. First place we go is Hot Topic. I used to like getting clothes and shit there …. back when it wasn’t all skinny jeans, tutus, and Twilight. I go in there now and I get mad- usually from lazy as hell employees with this “I don’t have to work” attitude, the shitty music, the dumbasses that shop there, or a combination of all of the above and then some. This time the “and then some” was that my mother was there. She … is a very special person. We’ll leave it at that.
We finally leave from the stupid pit of hell that so many people find the epitome of cool, and go … to Claire’s. Don’t be hating. I love it there. They have cat ears. And silly earrings. And weird gloves. And silly little fun stuff. And yes, I got more kitty ears. Sue me. We then go to various clothing stores. I get nothing but have fun looking around XD And making fun of stuff >.> Let me tell you, the buckle has two sides. One has nice looking stuff, the other … not so much. The other looks more like someone barfed up rainbows and floral print all over thin cheap polyester fabric and then the fabric was seriously mangled and some mad scientist tried bringing it to life somehow and failed. On the clothing rack lie all the rejects. There was one shirt on the entire female half of the store that I liked. It had wings. I like wings. A lot. I liked the shirt. A lot. I did not like the price tag. I did not like it a lot. $68 for a t-shirt. PASS. But I want the wings …. $68!! PASS!
We were on our way out … when I went by the one store that somehow manages to make me girly … Bath and Body Works. And I have a weakness for mainly one scent. Black Amethyst. It smells kinda … spicy. It’s fun. They were having a sale. They’re always having a sale. I got lotion and body butter and fragrance mist and shower gel. They had this thing where with the perfume it was buy the perfume of the scent and get the fragrance mist free. Mum almost got it for me. PERFUME! ME! CRAZY! Oh! Fun fact: Black Amethyst is listed as one of the “sexys” that Bath and Body Works sells. Oh yay. I like something sexy. For once in my life XD
Then while arguing about what to get for dinner … we go by another Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart numero uno and Target were both sold out of zhu zhu hamsters >.> I go in to this Wal-Mart and they have like … 4 different designs of zhu zhus! I squealed. In the toy aisle. Kid you not. I got a cute one. They’re all cute but mine has a butterfly on its butt so ha!
Why do I want a zhu zhu? Because I want a pet in the dorms. All you’re allowed to have are fish. Fish are boring. You cannot pet fish. Fish do not make noise. Fish really aren’t all that cute. Fish do not run around on your floor. Fish don’t do cute stupid things, just stupid things. Fish aren’t fuzzy. You can’t hold fish. Zhu zhu hamsters run around on the floor, are about the same weight and size as a real hamster, are soft and cuddly, make cute noises, do cute stupid things, and they have cute designs on their butts. They also don’t have to be taken care of short of the occasional battery change or getting trapped in a corner. Spring break? No biggy. Nugget just sits there on the shelf, happy as can be. I miss having a real fuzzy pet thing sooo bad and this is as close as it gets. Sooooo happy! And my little zhu zhu? Yeah, it raced my neighbour’s and won! So proud of it!
I totally ordered two more online >.> they should be here by the end of the week or next week. But next week I won’t be here and no one is sorting the mail anyways so it doesn’t matter ^^ BUT TWO MORE ZHU ZHU BUDDIES! (I want more but I need about $30 plus shipping for a 4 pack of them from
And then I got to be back massage queen of the dorms tonight. People will turn into your slaves if you know how to give a back massage! 8D
So overall … a good day. And … by now, 5 more days until break/someone is here! Very excited and can’t wait. Been staying up until about 3 every night trying to get ahead in schoolwork so I don’t have anything to do over break. More time for other things ^^
Anywhos, should be on more. In case anyone was wondering. No- I didn’t die. (as if you even noticed I was gone) and this SUPER LONG entry proves I’m alive. XD
More later ^^