Meme time!

Mar 30, 2011 16:34

Put your MP3 player on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-first is the title.

The sun will rise another time

I think I’m drowning 
8 o’clock Monday night and I’m waiting
I never knew, I never knew that everything was falling through
In pitch dark I go walking in your landscape

It’s a cold dark night, hallows eve upon the crest
I used to rule the world
This is the moment that you know

I’m looking at you through the glass
Something tells you you should go
Hey, the world is ending don’t you even know?

Are you such a dreamer?
In the fall we circle through the leaves

I have been a world apart stuck in between time
She has a fear of heights
The art of suicide, nightgowns and hair, curls flying every which way
Dancing bears, painted wings, things I almost remember

I’m grateful for these things
I didn’t want to know

What could you see?
You my friend, you’re a lot like them


Wow, this either makes no sense at all or it's the creepiest stalker poem ever (I love how "I'm looking at you through the glass" and "something tells you you should go" line up so well, haha). I hope I did this somewhat right. For some songs I didn't know where the first line cut off, so it got a bit confusing (then again I over analyze things like crazy and end up making them way more complicated than they actually are, so yeah).

Anyway, let's see if anyone can pick through my crazy convoluted playlist! I got a least two songs in a row from the same band because my MP3 player is stupid. :/ Not too bad overall though.


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