So yesterday I was over at Shannon's house for a get together. It was awesome seeing her and Dorothy again! For awhile we watched some disturbing funny videos and then decided to marathon the latest Bleach episodes. It was going okay for awhile until something happened that I don't think I'm ever going to get over. I'm still tripping balls about it quite honestly.
Now the picture above might look slutty innocent enough. It's just another crazy woman character from Bleach! Well, it was until it SPOKE. A MAN'S VOICE CAME OUT. It wasn't even a 'rough around the edges' womanly sounding kind of voice (like I expected), it was a FULL BLOWN MAN'S VOICE. I couldn't even process it. It's like a man trapped in a woman's body, who maybe started out as a man, who decided to get a sex change to be true to the inner woman inside, but it didn't go over very well and we ending up with THAT. I'M FUCKING TRIPPING BALLS maybe literally. Just WTF Bleach, your filler episodes make me die inside little by little with all this weird stuff you keep showing us. I haven't even gotten started on the LOLWUT Pear's evil brother that EXPLODED out of Ichigo's body. I don't even...
LIKE SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? I just...don't even know anymore Bleach. DDD: