A tribute to a legend.

Apr 20, 2010 04:00

The rain today seemed to reflect the general mood for the Anime industry.

As most of you know, I am an anime fan. I attend numerous conventions throughout the south, enjoying the amazing culture and lifestyle. I have been doing this for years, diving into it completely doing costume of characters in a hobby called 'cosplay'.

I've been a guest cosplay performer at some conventions and I serve on staff at others. I love doing this so much, being able to escape reality, and enter a world where I don't quite have to be myself.

Yesterday I Learned that the person who I can thank for all this, the man who helped bring Anime into America, Carl Macek, died of a heart attack.

Carl was an amazing man, who I never got to meet personally, but have seen around at conventions, but I was always scared to approach him, seeing as he was a god in my eyes. I knew come July I'd get another shot, when he would be a guest at Mechacon where I am on staff. He was excited about attending, and everyone was excited about him coming, myself included. I knew that this year I'd finally get the courage to walk up to him and tell him how amazing I thought he was. (Most everyone can tell you that I'm not afriad to approach anyone, so you know he was an amazing man)

I will never get the chance to tell him how he was the best thing that happened to the Anime Industry, and that because of him, I had a world I could dive into and be myself! No one knew how much I wanted to meet him, and how much it is killing me that I will never get to shake this legendary Man's hand and look him in the eyes and tell him he was a Genius.

Carl, I know that you're peaceful, wherever you may be, and I hope that you can see from your perch, how much you were adored, and how much of an impact you made in this boys life.

Carl Macek, the legend, Rest in Eternal peace.

Posted via Journaler.
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