Just arrived late last night. I'm a bit worried, cause my brother and sis-in law have been sick and now I have a headache. But I'm here for the week!!! Going to be doing a whole lot of stuff!!
I've been concentrating on my essay, since Dave will be visiting the week after I get back. So I haven't been able to put much time into the anti-ABA/IBI Campaign.
Basically, to break it down, ABA is not scientifically proven to better any long term results, so it should not be considered a "medically necessary treatment". Also, the language of the bill calls autistics as "suffering", which prescribes to negative stigma and stereotypes about autism and disability. Instead of giving us "treatments" to make us appear less-autistic, there should be more work to make society more inclusive and accepting of differences and develop teaching methods that suit individuals to learn skills that we really need, so that we are included in our communities. The ABA bill does not do this. Instead, it subscribes to and encourages stigma that excludes us and singles us out for more bullying and discrimination within society and our community. As Canadian citizens and human beings, we deserve better.
Anyways, I need to find more painkillers.
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