Hope ya guys have a nice X-Mas ^^
I will have kind of not so X-Massy X-Mas.. here ain't any snow XD
But here is freaking cold.. brrr~
Oh and i have an black eye X'D Yay! x3
ok.. not yay.. but i have an black eye cause of my doctor x'3
He put an anesthesia to mine eyelid.. and now it's all black XD
well he put that cause he put some medicine to there.. cause i have something under my eyelid and doctor said that it's too small/it has spread too wide so he can't operate it.. xP
but not more about that XD
Hope ya guys have a warm X-Mas ^3^
And to My dear wifey Angie~ Really WARM and great, happy and nice X-Mas!! Me luv you~ *hugs*
Luv you..luv you.. luv you~ ;'D *chu*
And to Hyna~ Merry X-Mas to ya.. and thanks for being my friend and being here for me..
when i need a little *cough*long*cough* talk.. *hugs* ^^
And to Deli~ Me miss you >3> Hope we can talk soon, again~ Happy X-Mas to you too *glomps*
Hugs To ya all~!