Things ill never say.

Oct 28, 2004 01:56

I dont know wht it is about this time of year but it seemes to me that every ony i know is getting dumped by there "segnificant other" wich is terrable and im soo sorry but i also noticed thae as soon as that happen im the one they all call to help them through it and that makes me feel so awsome to have that many people beleve in me to that degree to help mend their broken hearts and they all say its because i understsnd them and ill never do anything to hurt them and its true but the problem that im having is that i myself am single and have been now for several months now and it just makes me feel kinda lonely to know that with all these single people out there i cant have just one insted im helping them fix there own lives and ill never stop so dont get me wrong i love to make you guys smile always but cane some one please just be blunt and tell me what the hell is my problem to where i cant fall in love again. and another thing is i cant stop thinking about brittany lately for whatever reason no matter how much i want to and i do trust me but still a girl like that only comes around once every thousand years or so and im not sure what happend there... no sence dwelling on that though. moving on still. i also want to make my friendships stronger with the elete grout ( skip, kat, & Vanna)i dont know how but maby its just me i have been a bit distant lately and im sorry but iv got alot on my mind ill tell later if u ask. and damn it vanna quit ubsessing over this new guy u just met back off and slow down if u want this to work or you'll be calling me again and rember you have other people in your life and if you want theme (me) to stay there fuckin call me and try bein a friend some time and not just when its convient for you... AAAAAAHHHHHHH FUCK SHIT COCK DAMN FUCK FUCK FUCK god im pissed about things like that and its not just you Vanna but i care about you and for whatever reason you cant fucking see that can you AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. Next topic Skip all i have to say is theres a time and place for everything find it. oh and i hate you. im sorry but your next kat i just wish you would take the tim of day to try to figure out who you really are inside and oh my god you ar soo gorgeos and please dont ever foget that cuz you have no reason to be self-concience i love spending time with you cuz ur so fun and dont take everything so persional. last but not least and most important-Anthony Antinore> i hate who you are you need to lighten up soo much and maby people will like you somewhat and want to be around you more as for your job your better than that soo much better than that. quit lazing around and do something with your talents cuz you can even still amaze even me somtimes with your evergrowing love for people and all those little things that make you the person you will be somday.. and as for Brittany she can never love you again no matter how much you(we)want her back in your life just charrish the memory of her glowing face every day cuz she is a treasure to never be forgotten but its over dude just deal. go to the gym more often too yor starting to lose your cut. but neer forget you have friends that love you soo much >>RIGHT<< (somebody please tell him he needs it alot right now hes stuck between lonelyness and sadness.) well im out all i hope you all can look at this and not take it persionaly cuz i care about all of you and its not ment to hurt anyone.
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