Logic vs. Emotion

Oct 15, 2004 03:40

Oh my god i have just wached a movie that has almost compleatly changed my view on reality. it was farenhit 911. that movie has done so much for me and im sure that some people may say that this movie probably exadurates everything however i send out this message to those people please see the movie and do it alone so you cant have an out side influence on your opinion and try to do this with an open mind because i cant find any way to lie about the facts. anyway i think everyone needs to see this movie. but its still not going to change my vote if anything it just reinforced and gave me more of a reason to vote for Bush dont get me wrong its not because i think hes going to be a better president its more that i have no faith in people and where their going if things dont change but unfortunatly people are scared of change as a whole and nobody's going to do anything to change what they've come to be so acustome to because they are scared of losing everything they may or amy not have worked so hard to acquire. So I have taken it upon myself to push the limits of society... Right over the edge. And yes i want to see society crumble right to the ground I think that Bush is the best canidate in wich i am offered at this time so ill hope that he can help set things in motoin to destroy what you all have come to be so attached to. And for all the people that are going to suffer for my cause beleve me I am truly sorryfor all the things that i know he will put this nation as well as the world I AM TRULY SORRY!
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