Jun 15, 2009 16:18
YOU'RE ON MY FRIENDS LIST. I want to know 28 things about you. I don't care if we've never talked, never really clicked, or if we already know everything about each other. You are obviously on my f-list, so let me know with whom I'm friends with!
1. Your Name:Read more... )
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2. Age: 19 but soon to be ancient =(
3. Single or Taken: Single (sadly ha...)
4. Favourite Film: Tough call, gonna say Ratatouille for now but there's tonnes more.
5. Favourite Song or Album: My favourite song is "Accident Prone" by Jawbreaker and my favourite album of the now is "Neon Bible" by the Arcade Fire
6. Favourite Band/Artist: AFI
7. Dirty or Clean: Errr Cleanish
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Piercings in the ears. But soon...EVERYWHERE
9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? YES AND WE'RE GONNA GO GET BEERS SOON RIGHT?
10. What's your philosophy on life? To love it.
11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? What if there's no bottle?
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? It'd really depend. I can't see a situation where it'd be right to keep a secret if it was gonna hurt someone though.
13. What is your favourite memory of us? Sitting around a table chillin' at the Buttery.
14. What is your favourite guilty pleasure? Watching Hannah Montana. I can't say I feel that guilty though.
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: Errr I'm double jointed...in my hands..
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarkey) - what are they?
1. To live a long and fulfilling life, serving others.
2. To raise children and have a loving husband for the rest of my days.
3. To raise my metabolism and look fabulous :D
17. Can we get together and make a cake? Yeah course. Let's make Southern Velvet.
18. Which country is your spiritual home? ...Canada?
19. What is your big weakness? IDK really. Boys or food...
20. Do you think I'm a good person? Yes =)...wait define 'good'.
21. What was your best/favourite subject at school? ...honestly U of T is making it hard for me to like any of it.
22. Describe your accent: Don't ahve one.
23. If you could change anything about me, would you? No. Maybe I'd CHANGE YOUR SCHEDULE so we could hang out!
24. What do you wear to sleep? PJs
25. Trousers or skirts? Depends
26. Cigarettes or alcohol? Alcohol.
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!) We'd skip across the beach in frilly bathing suits and pick up hot guys, and us girls would hire you strippers!
28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? Sure....maybe =D
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