Nov 03, 2004 12:56
Stop complaing about Bush's win. Big deal. Look in history-we have never changed presidents in the middle of a war. So Kerry lost. Big friggin deal. Get. Over. It.
It isn't like he would have been any better, anyway.
And people wonder why I am not registered, sheesh.
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With that big an over balance they could easily institue another DRAFT without being impeded by silly things like the peoples voice.
Heres the big news boys and girls the next draft is going to be GENDER NEUTRAL THAT MEANS MALE AND FEMALE, COLLEGE STUDENTS, AND DOCTORS no one will be safe because it will have to be PC and equal chance at death for EVERYONE. At the least a democratic president would have veto power. And that is one of the huge powers a president has. any bill the repblicans don't like that some how makes it barely through the house and senate could instantly be kill by te president and they will never get a two thirds vote to push it through.
Now do you see why people are angry can you possibly see why people would be upset that the principles our country was based on are now at stake the three branch government isn't going to matter much longer. all men created equal will be only if you love the right person.
And here you are telling them to silence their voice. The only weapon they have against what could be done to them. The only power people have is the threat to the politicians of not being re-elected the power to vote and you are saying that it has no point.
By not voting you are saying that the vote and intern people's voices do not matter. One voice is small. but many shouting the same thing could shake the world and you are trying to deny them that power.
Think about that and remember the fact that your in college right now. the fact that you have the riht to go to a college with males and take the same classes as them and have free choice of career came from ONE voice who convinced many and those many who would not be silenced by threats and violence and prison are the very reason you have the life you have. If no one raised their voice your mother and father would still be together you would be married to someone of your fathers choosing and you would be lucky if you ent to school long enough to learn to read or write. Then you would wish for you voice to be heard when some brute of a husband had just finished beating you for even a thought that wasn't his.
Think on that and then tell people to shut up
Kenneth Rogers
P.S. BTW i have already foretold my removal from you friends list. It is not an insult but more a matter of solidarity because if the majority of my friends arn't good enough for it then i should probably go as well
Wise up or shut up. Get informed, get registered, get with it.
I don't care who is in office because in my opinion it doesn't matter. Bringing up Chino and Carlos is pointless. I see it as this: marriage is a title. Love is love. You obviously see both as a game, seeing that you played them with me. No one can make a law that says you can't love someone else. Period.
I am taking things as they are handed to me. I don't complain about decisions or whatnot because I now look at them and think of the good and the reason behind them.
And the reason I took them off the list is because I am tired of people telling me the "right" way to live my life. I have my beliefs and I am not going to force them on anyone else, and I want the same to me. I am willing to add them back, but only when they respect me for who I am and not tell me how to do things "the right way," which is just what they think.
I am GLAD I didn't vote. If I was registered I wouldn't have voted anyway because either way I am still going to stick with my country and be proud of who I am. I am American. Period. And I don't care is we have a horrid leader, I am still American. Maybe you should listen to what Kerry actually said yesterday, "I am happy with Bush in the White House. With him there, we will be able to over come this war. America just needs to stick together" [paraphrased].
Of course I am never right. Everyone else is right. I don't mean anything. Everything I do is wrong. <--Right?
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