May 31, 2012 03:35
26) Saving Civility: 52 Ways to Tame Rude, Crude & Attitude for a Polite Planet - Sara Hacala
I picked this one off the bookshelf at the library as I work with teens in a residential setting, and it looked as though it might be a good resource. We've been working our way through the book in group sessions, a couple of chapters per session. While I have had to modify much of the material to make it relevant to their lives, the book has provided quite a good framework for our discussions around civility, social skills, and what the world expects.
Overall, I thought that the author's tone was approachable and personable (as a side-note, I've been reading a couple of other books on civility, and found that the authors have taken a lecturing sort of tone. Ms. Hacala makes the reader feel that she is on their side - that we all make mistakes, and we'd all like to get better at being civil). She has used a good mixture of anecdote and published studies regarding civility to help convey everyday examples and convince the reader of the positive effects of civility on not only the world around us, but our own well-being and health. This book handles a tricky and possibly touchy subject with grace and style!