Title: Fourth Avenue Café
Pairings: Akame, slight Ryopi and T&T
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jin's a successful artist when a fight with his friends forces him to seek stress relief in a little café where he meets what he considers, the strangest people.
Chapter 1//
Chapter 2//
Chapter 3//
Chapter 4//
Chapter 5//
Chapter 6//
Chapter 7//
Chapter 8 (
…what are you to me? )
Comments 24
But I don’t want fish, I want a turtle…
-> i lol'd at this. jin, you're a true baka in every sense of the word!
Kame. to me…is the hip rolls to my dance, god knows where I’d be without them.”
-> *flails*
To me, Kame is someone who’s very important and irreplaceable to me. I didn’t exactly find a word for what he is to me, but I can feel it whenever I think about him. He is the circle to my ring, without him, I’d be square. He’s the chocolate to my cookie, he’s the curry in my rice, he’s the lyrics to my songs and the song to my voice. I don’t know what I’d be without him, I mean I wouldn’t be nothing…I’d still be here and I’d still be Akanishi Jin, but I wouldn’t be me. When he isn’t around, I don’t know how or why, but all the songs in my head go from love songs to sad songs. For Kame… I’d wait for him for…a long time. I want to see him happy, I want to see him sad, and I want him to see me at my best and my worst.” Giving a soft laugh, he tightened his hold on his cup, “I’ve fallen in this ( ... )
I cant wait to read bout what is actually Kame's reasons for leaving.
Please do update soon.
I love this chapter. =) When Jin explained about Kame mean to him... It was just full of love. I wish someone would say that to me. Hahaha
Updaaaaaaaate!!!!!!! Luv it <3333 Jin was a great adorable lovable idiot!!! Hips rolls to his dance ..... omfg, Ueda would've killed him for sure!!!!
“oh, if you make another vampire comment on TV, I’m going to kill you.”
This killed me!!!! Totally!!!! lmao
Can't wait for more ^_______^
if someone told me the same words as jin described what kame is to him... ill probably punch him and then hug him tight and kiss him senseless, and its my first kiss too... =)
next chapter prease... im really curious about what happened to kame!
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