Title: Dear Myself
Author: neko-fish
Pairings: Akame, Ryopi
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kazuya and Jin's relationship has been going downhill when help comes in the strangest way
Chapter 1//
Chapter 2//
Chapter 3//
Chapter 4//
Chapter 5//
Chapter 6//
Chapter 7//
Chapter 8//
Chapter 9//
Chapter 10//
Chapter 11//
Chapter 12//
Chapter 13//
Chapter 14//
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Comments 60
I found it really sweet, and other than the amnesia thing, totally believable. It just...I dunno really, it takes your heart, wrings it out and still leaves you laughing sometimes even tho you want to cry too. I like that in a story. I'm glad you stuck with it, even tho it's rather long. (long=good! *giggles*)
*thumbs up*
hope you will make another one, maybe ryopi or tegopi...
But his guilt tripping could be a whole other story.
Jin covered his face with his hands, “Stop it! You’re going to make me cry again!”
It was really nice that you also mentioned Ryopi in this chapter ^^ They deserved part of the ending, too~~
But most of all, I couldn’t stand the thought of you standing there, wondering why I left.
A;KDLFJA;LDSFKJ. JIN SO AWESOME T_________T That gives such a perfect, vivid image of a lonely, listless Kame, and JIN'S HEART. Jin's honest, caring, Kame-loving heart ♥
(Y)(Y) Let’s continue to do our best.
There are so many parts in this story that really touched me with their sincerity. Thank you for writing!
...Do you have another fic planned? lol.
but i wanted to try writing drabbles =P never tried it
thanks for commenting ^^
glad you enjoyed the story
Everything was so cute and perfect.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS STORY! ^-^ It really touched my heart.
The 'Okaeri' and 'Tadaima' part was CHO kawaii~ and I liked how you ended it with Jin's reply letter to himself. ^-^
There are so many other parts I want to point out and say "I especially loved this part!" but that'll take too long. XD
I read the chap. 16 and 17 again while waiting for this and cried again. XD Amazing, lol.
I loved reading this and I'll keep re-reading it from time to time. I think I'll go re-read it now actually. XD
Oh, btw, can I add you as a friend? *puppy eyes*
thank you for reading!
Can't wait for your next work. ^-^ Gambatte~
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