(no subject)

Feb 03, 2014 04:13

I know I've been an awful... acquaintance. I would say friend, too (because it's true, I've been a bad friend too), but I'm not friend of /everyone/ who might read this. I don't update, I rarely comment and the last... five months I have been practically MIA from twitter too. I've only been present at tumblr and because it's very distracting and that's something that was welcome.

(I made exceptions for a few people because I'm selfish, but yeah, in general I've been pretty much away of everything)

But, you know, you've seen most (somewhat) recent updates here. Not the nicest place to be, my head. Anyway, I wanted to apologize, because I really don't mean leaving people hanging for months and while that might happen while I'm great, while I'm... not, I don't even try to. So I'm sorry.

There's not a lot to tell. I did not make any new year resolutions (because I'm not going to hold them, it's the principle of the thing. I didn't even finish the 30 days of Arashi meme, so imagine new year resolutions, come on and try) I barely keep up with series anymore [Details! :D]
(Just Teen Wolf nowadays, although I did watch Sherlock S3 last weekend and I watch The Mentalist somewhat regularly, and The Fosters are there, creeping up and How I Met Your Mother is kind of interesting now that the mother has been revealed. Kind of cute. But I mostly live my tv shows from gifsets on tumblr from people who actually /watch/ the shows. I've been watching S3 of Once Upon a Time this way, for example. Emma comes back tomorrow and I'm kind of excited, but... not. At the same time. I'm confusing, don't worry, it's not you. I'm not even interested in Jun's new drama. I have quite a lot of other dramas to watch, tho! And that I'm excited for too!)
, I do read tho. Only fics, but I read. A lot. [Details, again!]For every fic I read, I've already opened three more tabs on my browser. It's getting stupid. My browser crashes from the amount of tabs open - kind of stupid. They are mostly Sterek fics, but there's some Free! stuff too. I haven't read a lot of Arashi lately. Last week I finished my exams for the semester and until the 10th I don't have classes, thank god (or, well, not) [You guessed right, details again]
I had six courses, from which I only have grades of three. Of those three I've failed one that I'm going to pass on June even if it kills me because I'm determined to finish this year. I hope I pass the other three that I still don't know.

I'm pretty pumped up for the new semester. It's, supposedly, the last one, I have only four courses plus the TFG, which I wouldn't know how to translate (Ending Degree's Paper?), which I still haven't started, but that I'm kind of excited, even if it will be a pain in the ass. Because that's just my luck with these kind of thing. Also, it's in the Sociology area, in which I have next to none expertise. But I like, sooooo I guess I'll endure it. And complain a lot, that too. Also, the four courses that I've got sound pretty interesting and all of them are optative so that means no Accounting or Financial shit, that I hate and loathe and are probably the ones I'm failing this semester, tbh.
and I start classes again net week, which I'm not looking forward to wake up again at ass o'clock in the morning. I liked my exams schedule, where I would go to /sleep/ at ass o'clock in the morning after studying after all night. Probably not healthy, I don't care.

All of this (the entry, telling you stuff even if it's unimportant stuff) it's because I want to take these days off to... be myself again. Or... more like push myself to be active again. Because when I think about me day by day I think I'm fine, I feel fine, but when I overview my days as a whole... it's kind of depressing. Really. So I want to be more active again. And since I start it while I'm at classes, because I know me (side effects of being me for the last 23-almost-24 years of my life) so I'll start now and I'll fake it until I really want to be active again.

I probably won't succeed, but hey, at least I'll try.

[One last tiny unimportant thing]
I know I told you about getting a 3DS. I think I did. Anyway, if anyone has one too and wants to swap friend codes, do tell! I have mine on tumblr, but since it's kind of a mutual thing, you should probably send yours in. I won't say no, I swear :)
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