Yesterday I realized that Tuesday marked six years since I made an account here. Can you believe it? Six years! I think that's the longest time I've spent on a page without forgetting about it. Because I might not update or anything, but I check the F-list on a regular basis even when I'm busy (specially when I'm busy)
So? You might ask. Well, I don't have an emotional speech about how incredible this time has been (it has) or how awesome is the people I met here, or that I met because of other stuff but had an account here (they really are) or how terrible I am at friending memes (and believe me, that's the truest thing ever). I don't have that speech because I'm not good at that, I'm sorry. Instead, I'll make a meme :D
(Which, if you notice, is basically what this journal consists of. I have more activity commenting that on my own journal. And that's saying a lot because I don't comment a lot either)
Rules: You tell me your age, I give you a lower age, you compare.
laeryn gave me 15.
At 15 (2005)
--> I lived in: Barcelona. I was born here and I was still living here at that time. I've never moved around too much, not even on holidays, so it's not a surprise.
--> I drove: I didn't have the legal age to drive, and I thought I was too grown up for imaginary cars so nothing.
--> I was in a relationship with: Anyone. I think I was starting to float around fandom at that time though.
--> I feared: Bugs and spiders? Seriously though, I was in third year of High School, so they were already starting to ask us what kind of future we wanted and what kind of thing we wanted to do from now on, and I didn't have any idea then (I still don't have it now) so not knowing what I wanted to do was a little terrifying.
And now that I think of it, I remember arguing with a boy in class and the argue ending with him getting some kind of punishment. For a few days I feared he would try to get revenge. That fear lasted maybe a couple of days but... it was there.
--> I worked at: anywhere.
--> I wanted to be: I didn't know. As I said, I didn't quite like that. I managed to avoid that question until I finished High School, but those would be spoilers :D
At 22 (2013)
--> I live: In Barcelona, still. I'm in a University that's here, since I never had that urge to go outside, and it was cheaper for everyone, so I'm still here. I'm happy I did that. The most awesome things in my life could never have happened if I'd moved to any other place.
--> I drive: My father's car occasionally? I don't know if it does count, because yes, I have a license and I can use it, but I don't. I don't really enjoy driving so I don't do it.
--> I am in a relationship with: Anyone, still. Curiously enough, I've never had the need to go outside and search for my significant other, neither I have found anyone who I might even consider the possibility. Not even for fooling around.
(Well, it's not that "curious" but I like that word)
--> I fear: My family's future. My parents' on one side and my brother's on the other. I'm not going to talk about that here because... it's kind of weird (and I don't want to tell /everyone/) but I'm worried about them for different reasons and I feel like I failed them and I'll keep failing them and it's not because that I fear what they'll do without me, because it's not that. What terrifies me it's that whatever happens, I can't do anything to influence that decision. It's not up to me.
As you can see (and as some of you might know) I don't like not knowing what to do.
--> I work at: Anywhere, sadly. Not regularly. Sometimes once or twice a year my mother's workplace takes young people to make count of inventory. It doesn't pay much, but it's not a lot of work, so it's ok.
--> I want to be: Professionally? I don't know. Something that pays my bills and my cat food and my hobbies. I never knew and I didn't like that, even less when everything you do at school is directed to what are you going to do in the end. That's all that people ask you about. And I didn't know when I was 15 or 16, neither when I was 18 and I had to choose a degree for my future. I had to choose and I chose wrong. But it's ok, because even if it didn't turn out ok, I'm ok now. I still don't know what I'm going to do next year when (luckily) I finish my degree, but I like to think that I'll choose something that will allow me to make me think I'm happy about the life I chose.