Merry X-mas, sweeties!!! <3

Dec 24, 2008 12:49

Yes, I'm still alive!! XD I can't believe myself how much I've been busy in this last period..
How have you been doing?? I hope everything's ok!! No, more than just ok!!!

I have a wish for X-mas: finishing off my 100Q, finally!! XD So here we go with the last round!!

86. What is your favorite game?: Kingdom hearts and then all those new-generation games where you have to move (especially dance) :3

87. What was your first date? How old were you?: In my first official date I was 13 I think… but it wasn’t so exciting!! XD

88. Did/Will you attend college? For what?: Yep, I'm corrently attending my first year! I'm studing oriental languages + relative cultures: japanese and (from next year) korean.

89. What is the most memorable day?: mmmh, I don't know why but right now I am thinking of the day when my grandmother stroke my cheek (and she had to make a considerable effort to do that because she couldn't move well) and said "thank you for making me win all the games today" after I had been "cheating" all afternoon in order to lose to her XD She had noticed!! And she didn't express her feelings often, so I was really surprised!!

90. Do you have/want a tattoo? What is/would it be of?: No, never, I’m sure I would get bored of it after 10 days or maybe less!!

91. What is your favorite number to write?: Lately, 2, but I change often XD

92. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: ah, I’d like to have found a job related to Japan but most of all I wanna be married!! And I wanna spoil my husband! XD That's my dream! And then having kids of course...

93. What age do/did you expect to be married?: Actually, I’d like to marry someone by the age of 23-24, so there’s no much time left!! XD But if it wasn't the craziest thing to do, I would like to be already married!

94. What do you use as the best form of motivation?: I think about the good things I will obtain by doing what I have to do. And I think that if I work hard, I will be respected (and repaid)!!

Who, in KAT-TUN, would most be like your… (each member can only be used once)

95. Brother/sister: JinJin!! I think we are similar sometimes… expressing our bakaness around!! XD

96. Husband/wife: No doubt, Koki-kun!! I need a partner that scares other guys and beats them up!! XD-and that at the same time is kind to me… Who better than him? XD

97. Second cousin: Junno… there isn’t a particular reason… he was the last one left!! XD  shoot, I'm sorry!!

98. Pet: Tacchan, because I think that if he was an animal, he would be a semi-unknown and mysterious creature, therefore a cool pet XD

99. Best friend: Yucchi. I feel that we could get along veryt well! And a best-friend duty is:
a) to listen to your problems and kindly comfort you
b) to be promoter of a tanoshii jikan
and he seems pretty good at both!!

100. Student body president in school: Kame-chan. He’s so professional, I think he would be a super-president too!!

Now, my second wish: shallow talk about fashion! XD

I have bought it more or less 2 months ago and I'm pretty sure that the main reason was that it was Yucchi-style!! XD

Well, in this pic it seems a bit worn-out, but I assure you it's much better than this!! XD.

Then, I noticed something curious yesterday!! I went shopping with my parents, because against my will they decided to buy me at least 60 euros of present!! So in the end I chose an elegant white shirt and 2 semi-elegant clothes: a t-shirt and a sweater. Then in the evening I suddently noticed that on the t-shirt and on the sweater there is designed a crown exactly like the one in the pic under:

This is a tie I already had. So without realizing it I collected various items with the same logo!! XD

Lastly, a more serious issue. The mom of my brother-in-law died this morning. Throat cancer. I hope she will rest in peace wherever she is. But I'm even more worried about my brother-in-law's brother, who lived alone with his mom and is still a student, relatively young (but older than me). He never was really mature, so I hope he will be able to get by on his own now... well maybe one of the few "positive" sides about this fact is that he will grow up at last.

Ok, time to eat my lunch now!! See you, and again, merry X-mas!!

PS: here the "white x-mas" song had had side effects: I'm surrounded by 1 mt of snow!! XD But I like it so I'm happy! 

x-mas, fashion, death, shopping, 100q

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