
Jul 24, 2008 21:46

Hi!!! Starting from tomorrow, I'll be on vacation! I will be away for a month, more or less!!
So....  I have a huge request to ask to all of you!! 
Since I don't wanna miss a thing about KAT-TUN (especially when it comes to scans, translations and videos), could you help me and give me the links of the important posts in a comment here?
(idea stolen from


This would be a great help, because searching through the communities at my return would drive me crazy (and not in a good way XD) @___@
Thank you so much in advance!!

Ok, last thing: don't make too many posts, otherwise I will spend a whole week then, commenting on your updates!! XD Of course, I'm only joking!! ;P
Well.... So now it's time to say goodbye... I will miss you so much, guys!! ;____;
Have a good month!! ^____^ 
See ya!!

*bones-breaking hug + noisy kiss that will stick to you for 4 weeks*

request, holiday

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