I've been thinking about this for awhile and whatever your opinion on the war, the soldiers shouldn't get the shaft. I'm planning on sending a care package myself but I could send a much better one if someone wanted to assist with money or goodies.
The requests I've seen from soldiers are for some of the following:
AAA & AA batteries
aloe vera
sunglasses (black)
beef jerky
tuna, sardines, oysters (canned)
candy (not melty)
small toys for the kids they meet (hotwheels, beanie babies etc)
femenine hygene products
baby wipes (unscented)
pens and pencils
maxim, fhm and other magazines
xbox games
flip flops
there is also a list of suggested items here
http://www.anysoldier.us/WhatToSend.html If anyone would like to help out you can email me, paypal me or just leave a note here.
I'll send my address if you're interested.