I'm updating from Kiyo-bii's...no, OUR apartment. Whee! He asked me to move in with him and I'd be a total idiot if I said no. I think I squealfested in the sheets for about three hours. |3
It didn't really take very much to move all my things. My roommate didn't really seem to care. I'm sure he's glad to have the dorm to himself until he gets a new roommate assignment, nya. The paperwork was annoying. @-@ But Kiyo-bii is smart and got it taken care of, whee!
The best part was shopping. I got more clothes and cool things and nice speakers... and this REALLY cool bean bag chair. It's all swirly. I wanna curl up and take a nap in it. X3 ♥
The other best part is, my yarn castle didn't get damaged. ^o^~
I can't say that I'm NOT scared, because then I would be lying and lying makes me a bad person, and I don't want to be a bad person. But... I really am scared. I didn't know that if I fell in love with Kiyo-bii I would be in... in /danger./
;O; Everyone is right. I attract trouble, don't I?
But I love Kiyo-bii so much. He is happier and says I am safer if I live with him, so this makes me happy on many levels.
....and he DRIVES me to SCHOOL! Isn't that so COOL? /rhyme :D