I stole this from
cup_kun ^ ^
Admired for your style and fresh approach to life, you are the Japanese femme fatale! Deceivingly innocent, you are actually a devil in disguise. You love to show off, but behind that flamboyant and sometimes uncaring personality, you definately care for and stand up for your friends. Just one flaw, you can be annoyingly hyper and bouncy!! However this can be just what a friend needs after a boring day.
Which Soul Calibur character are you? this quiz was made by
david park ~~~
AWESOME!!! I don't play this game, (or not for awhile anyway ^^;) but this result seems just like me! I act like I don't care but I really do. Sometimes. X3
I don't feel like updating on my life. XD
I still don't have photoshop *cries*. So I'll probably D/L another program like it for now.
I'm gonna draw a new pic of V-Day, the one I was going to do I don't feel like CGing right now. XD