Random things

Nov 28, 2005 12:25

Well, here is what happened yesterday. Since I was really too lazy/tired to post last night. XD

Ashley called me and asked if I called her Sat. T-T*
Duh? Of course I did!
Then she asked, "how come? did you need something?"
"no. we kinda made plans to hang out? *
"oh yeah, I'm sorry"

Okay, that's it! I'm not making plans with her no more. All she does is cancels because she wants to be with 'Billy', or that she has to do laundry, or that she 'forgot'. Well screw her and Billy. >=p
I'm fucking tired of always being second best. I really am. I don't mind if she cancels because something IMPORTANT comes up. Like she has to go to the hospital. Or her parents need her for something. But to cancel just because of clothes or Billy. NO!!!

*sigh* -_-

If I had a boyfriend that lived in my town or whatever then I still would not cancel a date I had previously made with my friend.
But I guess Ashley is different. =p


Okay. Then to make my day better. ^_^

My sister (she is 15) asked me to help her spell something to a guy on this online game she was chatting to. So I went to help her.
Turned out she wanted me to give him our address. NO FUCKING WAY!
Supposely he is 14, but I don't care. You don't give out your personal information without your parents permission, or without knowing the other person online for at least a few months!

haha, this guy is supposely her online boyfriend. XD
So yeah, it didn't stop there! Not a chance. lol I just had to harrass her and her boyfriend. Because I'm such a good big sister. ^_^-

Anyway. I kept pretending I was her and stuff. She didn't like that. XD
I guess I kinda was flirting with him. But my god...for such a young kid he sure had an ego! LOL
Here is the basic convo we had....

me: sorry can't give you that information
boy: why not?
me: mother would not like it
boy: aww...ok. I guess I can't come see you then
me: oh well
boy: what's wrong toni?
sis: that was my sis. -.-'
boy: oh...why?
me: because you don't need her infomation
boy: oh..how old is your sis? :)
sis: 24
boy: wow...why is she on here?
sis: I asked her to do something for me. -.-'
me: yup
boy: well...she sounds mean
me: I am. =)
sis: ugh
boy: hey...you two gonna fight?
sis: what do you mean?
boy: catfight! :)
me: ...
sis: no!
boy: hahaha
me: how old are you?
boy: 14
me: wow, you are young
boy: yeah, younger then you
me: yeah
sis: *cough*
me: miss. kitty will go draw now. play nicely kids. =)
sis: ugh!
boy: boy, your sis sounds like a real bitch
sis: yeah...hehe
boy: I love u my princess. ^-^
sis: hehehe I love u too
me: thanks, I am a bitch
boy: is she back?
sis: yes. -.-'
boy: wow, she must really like me then. :)
me: riiiight
boy: you are really arrogant you know that?
me: how so?
boy: because you won't admit you like me
boy: I bet you like tall guys and long sticks. :)
me: ...well yeah. I'm arrogant. I'm so arrogant I don't even have to inflate my ego to sound arrogant. wow, cool huh?
boy: go away
me: HA
me: I'm hovering around for awhile. thanks. =)
sis: she is weird, huh?
boy: yeah, too weird for me
me: you are a bit perverted for a 14 year old
boy: yeah. so?
me: guess they start early now
*then I leave for a few mins*
boy: when we meet and have sex, it'll be great. :)
sis: maybe when I'm 18 or 19
boy: ok
me:(pretending to be sis now ^^) why are you that experienced?
boy: well, if you count all the porn I watch and when I touch myself and stuff. yeah
me: oh okay
boy: :)

Then after that I basically was gaging. XD And my sister hit me. lol
Oh well. I saved her from giving out information to some kid online who might not be a kid at all. =p
And I got to bash someone slightly. I have missed smashing the egos of poor young men as of late. ^_^ XD


Well my chat with Geo last night sucks. =/
He was studying and much too busy for me I guess. *sigh* -_- It kinda hurt though the way he said it though.
Because we have a little code we use so his parents don't know what we are doing and such.

Just...he was kinda mean about it. Or maybe I'm just too sensitive and took it the wrong way? Maybe...I dunno.
*shrugs* Oh well, guess I just won't chat to him if he's studying anymore. Don't want to be a distraction now. =/


I had a great chat with Cactus last night before bed. XD
Was so great that we lost track of time and I didn't go to bed until 6am!!! *passes out* x_x;;
Oh well, no biggie. Was fun and I downloaded more AMVs. (I have like 3 gigs of just AMVs now! XD!!)


Okay, now for today when I woke up. (I onlt got like 6 hours of sleep. ugh)

I had this funky dream. Cactus, Cole, and I were in it. (sorry for everyone else. lol)
I was my cat self of course, Cole was a human girl, and for some odd reason, Cactus was a tutrle-like creature that sat on Cole's shoulder. XD

We were at a park and the park was called "DeviantArt". LOL Funny, ne? =3
Anyway. Cole and I were talking I guess, and then she said something and Cactus got mad. He was jumping around trying to hit Cole. (it was quite cute to watch him do this since he was a lil' turtle thing. XD)
Then I told him "no" and he started crying.

Awww! He was so kawaii! >w<;;
He was crying and leaning over Cole's shoulder, almost fell off actually. And his tears floated off as they fell. They were in the shape of hearts and bears. o_O;; (don't ask please. XD)
And one of his tears were made of chocolate. Yum. <3~

haha, then I woke up. I know that me and Cole were kinda staring at Cactus just before I woke up and we were sweatdropping a bit...XD
Fun dream. Must have been the late night chat and that candy bar I ate plus the cookies. lol

Well, that's about all I have to write really. Nothing new and nothing old to report otherwise.
I might have to put Akimi's request pic onj hold so I can work on the contest entry pic. =/
Darn. That sucks. Oh well.

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