Jan 02, 2012 03:30

Title: S_X
Genre: humor, fluff, romance
Pairing: Taecyeon/Junsu, ONEDAY/Junsu
Rating: NC-17
Words: 6,704
Summary: Full summary inside. Just read it already.
Notes: Hello there! 8D anybody missed me? Yeah I've been away for too long now and tbh I missed writing ^^ So, here's my comeback for you gorgeous people. Happy New Year. I really hope you enjoy this, I'm getting rusty ><

Full Summary: Six times Taecyeon saves Junsu and one time he does more. (S_X = SIX) HEHEHE


"Taecyeonieeee~" Taecyeon heard Junsu calling for from his room across his own. He got up from his bed and walked over to Junsu's room, bringing his laptop with him.

"Yeah?" Taecyeon found Junsu sitting on his work chair, papers cluttered all over his desk. Taecyeon settled himself on Junsu's bed, still focusing on his laptop. "What did you want?"

"Help me with this part of the lyric please?"

Taecyeon nodded briefly before turning to Junsu, who was now kneeling beside him with lyric papers in hand. They worked for a few minutes but Taecyeon keeps getting distracted by his laptop, being the Oktizen he is. Junsu got frustrated that Taecyeon couldn't pay attention and flicked his forehead.

"Yah!" the Giant shrieked.

"You're not paying attention! Forget it, I'm asking for Nichkhun's help." Junsu frowned while he collected his papers.

"Fine. I'll be staying here if you need me." The giant continued to scroll through his laptop, ignoring Junsu.

"Hmph." Junsu pouted at him and stormed out of his room. He went downstairs straight to Nichkhun's room.

Little does he know that Nichkhun was 'busy' with himself on his bed. He was leaning against his headboard with his laptop, a bottle of lotion and a box of tissues by his side. Unfortunately he is about to be interrupted by-

"KHUNNIE YAAAA~" Junsu abruptly bursts in with that childish smile of his. Nichkhun gasps as he almost had a heart attack but with his quick reflexes, he covered his lower half with a blanket and shut his laptop harshly just in time. Junsu blinked, "Did I interrupt something?"

"Oh, umm no no. Absolutely not!"

Junsu raised an eyebrow in confusion but flopped down onto his belly, he landed right beside Nichkhun, totally oblivious of the Thai man's hidden erection inches away from him. Nichkhun had to contain his groan at the way the blankets rubbed against his groin.

"I was hoping you could help me with these lyrics, Taecyeon babo wasn't much help." Junsu looked up and gave Nichkhun his best puppy dog face that he couldn't say no. "Sure." Nichkhun smiled. This made Junsu so happy that he wriggled closer and the Thai man had a hard time keeping his sanity. He gathered all his strength and snatched the clump of lyrics from Junsu and inspected it.

After a few minutes of editing and adding more to the piece of paper, Nichkhun began to feel more uncomfortable. He was distracted by none other than Junsu himself. The older man was now laying across his lap, his chest on Khun's covered thighs. Usually Nichkhun didn't mind Junsu's touchy feely nature because that's just how he is. But now, everytime Junsu looks up, Nichkhun couldn't take his eyes off the way the older man licked his red plump lips. "God that is sexy..." He whispered in a hushed tone.

"Hm? Did you say something?"

"Ah n-no. What were you saying?

Seconds ticked away and Junsu was still immersed in explaining the new lyrics to him. Nichkhun's observation on Junsu's face just made his erection got worse. 'God, when is this gonna end?' he whined inwardly. Suddenly, Junsu smacked his own neck. "Ow mosquito.." he winced, regretting that he smacked himself too hard.

"Here, let me see." Nichkhun said and bent Junsu's head to the side as he leaned closer to inspect but for some reason he was pulled closer to Junsu's neck and he felt weird. 'What is this sweet smell?' Nichkhun's mind was suddenly fogged up, he pressed his nose to the elder's neck and earned a gasp. His lips were already ghosting over the patch of soft skin but as he pressed onto it-

"Nichkhun!" Junsu's neck collided to his face as the older raised his neck back up, a dust of pink on his cheeks. He blinked at Nichkhun, who was rubbing his nose in slight pain. "Wh-what are y-you doing?" Junsu stuttered, shocked at how Nichkhun almost kissed his neck. The younger didn't know what to say but his hand almost automatically went back to Junsu's neck, pressing into the skin. "K-khun!" Junsu shrieked and backed away, he fumbled and collected his papers and almost stumbled out hurriedly.

Nichkhun wasted no time in following him, forgetting that he was in his underwear and his 'problem' could be easily seen.

"Junsu wait!"

Junsu quickly went up the stairs and straight to his room, he jumped right onto his bed, landing right on top of an unsuspecting Taecyeon. "Whuh? What? Junsu? What's wrong?" The younger was confused to find a panting Junsu in his arms. Not that he would complain. The older pressed close to his chest, as if trying to hide. Taecyeon's head snapped up as footsteps were heard approaching.

Then, a Thai man in his underwear came to view. "Oh Khun, why is Juns- Woah woah woah, you really need a cold shower man. A long one." Taecyeon raised his voice as he averted his eyes everywhere but at the attention seeking bulge. Nichkhun growled at that, a little upset that a third person was in this. "Ugh just, tell Junsu I'm sorry." He sighed and walked away, leaving Taecyeon with a sulking panda in his arms.

"Junsu-ya what happened?"

"Uh K-Khun...well he.. uh...my neck and um..almost..um uh touched.. um w-well.." the elder couldn't help but stutter.

"Does this have to do with that hard-on he had?"

"What hard-on?" Junsu's eyes widened.

"Oh never mind. Forget it."

He let go of Junsu and proceeded with his beloved laptop. Junsu looked down and his crumpled lyrics sheets and whined.

"What about my lyrics?" he pouted at Taecyeon, making the younger boy sigh.

"Fine, I'll re-write it with you tonight okay?"



Junsu burst through the front door and quickly shuffled into the kitchen with heavy groceries. "Anybody home?" He shouted, his voice echoed through the villa. "Guess no one's home... Better cook something then." The eldest decided to make some ddukbokki.

Chansung sighed as he rubbed his eyes. He was sprawled across his bed with one leg hanging over the edge as a result from his unintentional nap. He felt something scrunching under his weight as he sat up. Looking down he groaned, "Ah damnit, my magazine." he snatched it up and tried to save the structure of what's left of his fitness magazine. While he was mumbling obscenities, his talented nose picked up some cooked-food scent. Immediately, the magazine was forgotten and Chansung was out of his room in a flash.



Junsu was crouched on the floor with a spatula in hand, holding it up as if defending himself. The youngest chuckled at the sight. "Sorry hyung, I sensed food, couldn't help it." Junsu sighed and stood up, turning around and continued tending to his ddukbokki. "Fine, just sit there till I finish and you can have some."

Chansung nodded and opened the fridge. He opened a bottle of soda and gulped in down. He was nursing his drink when his eyes turned back to junsu. The oldest was concentrating on the dish, adding spices and such. Chansung tilted his head, somehow, there was something different about his hyung today. Something new, something that made him attractive. Chansung's nose picked up another delicious scent. Junsu was only cooking one dish. Where did that scent come from?

"Hyung are you making another dish?"

"Hm? No, just ddukbokki."

Junsu turned off the stove when he was done. He turned and saw the maknae approaching him. "What's wrong, Channie?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. "Hyung do you smell that?" Chansung sniffed around, still walking towards Junsu.

"Smell what? Ddukbokki?"

"No. Something else. Like a sweet smell."

"Huh? I don't smell anything sweet."

By now Chansung was already standing in front of Junsu. His powerful nose hovering in Junsu's shoulder.


"Hyung, it's you."


"That smell. It's from you."

"What? I don't smell anything..."

"I don't know but it smells so good."

Chansung was pressing Junsu against the counter and Junsu was now confused. He felt a wet sensation on the junction of his neck and gasped. "Chan?!" His started pushing the smaller boy but clearly he lose in strength. Chansung nibbled on the skin of Junsu's neck, he felt Junsu squirm and whined. "Stop moving, hyung."

"But, y-you can't do this."

"Just let me eat you for a minute."

"Wha-aat?!" Junsu shrieked.

"Hey, I'm back. Anybody ho- LY FUCK WHAT THE HELL?!" Taecyeon fumbled back as soon as he saw the scene. Chansung was unfazed by the interruption and was still latched to Junsu's neck. Junsu squirmed and whined, when he saw Taecyeon he felt truly embarrassed but he mouthed 'HELP ME' to the Bostonian.

Taecyeon huffed and put his stuff down. He pulled Chansung away from Junsu harshly and shook the poor maknae. "Yah yah what were you doing? Yah this is the kitchen. Yah you pervert maknae what has gotten into you?" Taecyeon let out a string of scolding while the maknae was violently shaken, getting blurry and dizzy. Junsu stopped Taecyeon and cupped Chansung's face, "Channie yah, are you feeling okay?" Chansung just nodded with half lidded eyes, as if in a trance. Junsu quickly handed him the plate of ddukbokki. The younger's eyes snapped open wide when food was presented to him, feeling fresh as a daisy he trotted into the living room, food in hand, whistling as if nothing bizarre happened seconds ago.

"What was that?"

"I-I don't know. He said he wanted to eat me." Junsu shivered at the way Chansung had said it.

"Ooookay. I'm not gonna ask anymore. Maybe he's just hungry, you know how ridiculous maknae can be."

"Ah.." Junsu nodded hesitantly then turned back to the stove. "I'm still hungry..."

Taecyeon smiled and held up a packet of  - "Ramen?"



"Woo-ah. You want something to eat?" Taecyeon said from the kitchen.

"Noh tbhanks hwung, I hwave sbhwome cwhips hbwere." Wooyoung babbled as he gobbled down another handful of chips, eyes focusing on the TV.

"Suits you."

Then Junsu came along with a towel in hand, "Taecyeon-ah, what happened to the bathroom upstairs?"

"Eheheh sorry hyung, it's clogged.." The giant scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Ceh, fine, I'll bathe here then." Junsu rolled his eyes and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

After a few minutes, Wooyoung got up and threw the bag of chips onto Taecyeon's lap, which caused the contents to crumble onto Taec's plate of fried rice. "Yah! My food!"


"Hmph.." Taecyeon huffed and tasted his now 'tainted' fried rice."Hey, not bad. Fried rice and chips."

Wooyoung ran quickly to the nearest bathroom, he barged in wasting no time in locking the door, placing the cover up and relieving his bladder. He moaned in relief and suddenly heard a yelp, someone falling and shuffling back up in less than a second. He turned his head to the shower cubicle and found himself staring back at Junsu's wet angry face, the older was failing in covering himself.

"JANG WOOYOUNG!" the older bellowed.

"Ah ah ah ah hyung! I'm sorry! I didn't know!"

"Get out!"

"But we showered together befo-"


"But I'm not finished!"

He could feel his face getting red, probably rivaling Junsu's own flushed face. "F-fine! Finish your business and go..and do not look at me!" he warned and waited for Wooyoung to turn away before proceeding on soaping his arms. 'Have to ask Jinyoung hyung to put on shower curtains...'

Wooyoung pouted and finished his business. He was zipping up his pants and wiping his hands but he couldn't help but take a peek at Junsu. What he saw made his jaw drop though. He doesn't know why but somehow Junsu looked alluring to him at the moment, naked with more than half of his backside turned to his full view, all wet and slick. Junsu's shoulder blades flexed as he stretched suddenly, butt popping out more and arms going upwards. Wooyoung almost drooled, and what's this pink flowery aura around him? What is this sweet smell too?

Junsu was enjoying the warm water sliding down his body, loosing his tense muscles. He barely heard the glass door open before he felt someone hovering behind him. Junsu jolted and gasped when a pair of hands slid up his shoulders. "Hyung." he shivered when whispered this close to his ear.

"W-Wooyoung? What t-the hell!"

"Hm.." was all his reply before his licked the shell of Junsu's ear, trailing down. "So sweet." Junsu couldn't move, still shocked by the contact. He wriggled and gasped again when Woo's tongue reached the nape of his neck. "Ah-ah ergh no!"

In a blink of an eye, Wooyoung was pushed back to the opposite wall and he caught the sight of Junsu fumbling for his towel and rushing out. Wooyoung didn't think much before running out to catch up with his hyung but ended up colliding with Taecyeon who was playing with his iPad.

"Wooyoung?" the giant looked down at the groaning 5-year-old. "What happened? Why are you wet? Why was Junsu running upstairs naked?"

Wooyoung rubbed his sore hip and groaned, now his surroundings were a little hazy, "Uh I don't know, hyung, showering...ah ouch..looks nice..touched.....ugh can't think..hyung..Junsu...AH! JUNSU HYUNG!" the younger stood up suddenly and was about to sprint to Junsu's room when Taecyeon stopped him.

"Woah woah, Junsu's naked. He wouldn't appreciate people barging in."

"But hyung."

"Stay here."

"But why are you going to see him!"

"I have privileges, besides I always knock first" Taecyeon grinned and went upstairs leaving a pouting Wooyoung who plopped on the sofa.

Taecyeon knocked before waiting for Junsu to open the door. The older's face was still flushed and he was out of breath. "Hey, your son is looking for you."

"...N-Not my son anymore!" Junsu shrieked, causing the giant to wince.


"Incest!" He shrieked again.

"What are you talking about?" Taecyeon asked. "And please don't scream."

"U-um.. nothing. Forget it." Junsu looked down, not wanting to discuss the weird disturbing event.

"Mhm. If you need anything, Woo and I will be downstairs."

"No Woo! Please n-" Junsu's scream was stopped by Taec's palm on covering his mouth.

"Just me then?"

"Mm." Junsu nodded and closed his door.


"Okay, time out."

"I'm sorry, hyung.." Junsu wheezed out as he caught his breath. They were practicing the choreography for "Give it to me" and Junsu just couldn't get some important point of the dances right. Namyong is worried about him since he’s wobbling around and practically looking silly.

“We’ll continue tomorrow,” Namyong sighed.

Junsu looked around as the other members packed their stuff to go back to their villa, and maybe stop for some food on their way.

“Hyung, can I stay back and practice more?”


“Um..I guess so.” Junsu fidgeted with his sweaty shirt. He really wanted someone to watch over him as he practiced so maybe he would get the steps right. But most of them were already out of the room so he thought he’d have to do it himself.

“I’ll help you, hyung.” Junsu jumped when someone poked his back, it was Junho and this made him so happy he latched onto the younger and hugged him tight. “Thank you thank you thank you, Junhoya!”  Junsu practically squealed. Junho just chuckled and patted him on the back, scrunching a bit when he smelled a sickeningly sweet smell but shrugged it off eventually.

When everyone else left Junsu got straight to work and danced with all his might, Junho sat at the side and sometimes joined him to correct his moves, he moved and sang to the beat that is of course, his own song.

While Junsu was concentrating on a move, Junho sat on the floor and leaned on the wall, breathing controlled as he relaxed for a minute. He closed his eyes and listened to his song, word by word and he smirked. The song was pretty sexy when he thought about it but hell he got this far so he feels proud. Junho inhaled a breath and suddenly paused.

“There’s that smell again..” Junho thought and frowned with his eyes closed.

His mind focused to reality back again and faint sounds of sneakers squeaking and clothes ruffling filled his ears. He opens his eyes and saw Junsu dancing his heart out. The way his body moved mixed with Junho’s song made him shine for some reason. As Junho stood up he stumbled back a little when Junsu made a heart-stopping body wave. The younger gulped, Junsu was dancing quite erotically and the focused look on his face indicated that he was unaware of Junho himself approaching.

Junho cleared his throat loudly and Junsu stopped moving, much to his disappointment.

“Hyung, let’s go back now.”

“But I almost got this!”

“Oh you got it good already, hyung. Trust me.”


“Really. Come on, let’s pack up.”

“Just a minute, I feel kinda hot.”

Junho could only stand back and watch when Junsu pulled his shirt and tank top upwards, revealing smooth milky skin and lean abs slick from sweat. As soon as the clothing came off, Junho was hit with a strange gust of wind, the sweet smell enveloping his senses and he felt dizzy.

“Junho? Yah Lee Junho!” Junsu waved a hand in front of his face. The younger was staring straight at him yet he was spaced out at the same time. Junsu frowned a little and felt worried. He raised a finger and tapped Junho’s cheek.

The touch made Junho jump a little and grabbed onto Junsu’s wrist. The elder was startled and blinked. “J-Junho?”

A second later Junsu was slammed back against the wall, Junho trapping him. “Junho! Wh-whah-“  Junsu struggled but Junho had him pinned, face pressed to his neck and Junsu swore he felt Junho sniff him. Suddenly Junsu felt a hand palming his chest and sliding down to his tummy, he started to sweat again when Junho started nuzzling his cheek. “Junho s-stop thi-WHAH!” he outright squealed when Junho cupped one of his asscheeks, kneading like there was no tomorrow. Junho was feeling him up! Junsu just couldn’t let this happen. He was panting by now and all he could do was smack Junho’s back but the younger didn’t move at all, except for his wandering hand.


A loud bang from the door startled Junho and his legs gave up on him, causing both Junbros to slide down the wall. Junsu ended up on Junho’s lap while the younger groaned into his neck in dizziness. Junsu winced and rubbed his neck but before he could say anything he was lifted up to the side and onto his feet.

“Lee Junho!” Junsu himself jumped even though it wasn’t him being called.

“What? Taecyeon-hyung? When did you ge-“

“Doesn’t matter! Get up and let’s go back.”

“Ugh okay okay. I feel weird.” The younger got to his feet and grabbed his bag, shuffling out lazily without a word.

Junsu blinked, all the things that happened moments ago rushed through his head and all he could say was “What just happened…”

Taecyeon raised an eyebrow.

“You’re asking me?”


“Okay. I was told to come here and get you both but then guess what I find when I opened the door? A very very VERY suggestive sight in which involves you and Junho pressed up to a wall and that kid’s hand on your ass oh and don’t even get me started on the sounds you made-“


“You asked.”

Junsu was staring at him and wheezing. “I can explain.”

Taecyeon smirked and pat his back, soothing his breathing. “Calm down. You don’t need to.”

With that the two walked home, found Junho leaning on a lamp post and walked the rest of the way home together.


“I swear, hyung. Everyone in that house is nuts!”

“So you’re saying every one of your members tried to violate you in some way and suddenly forgets their crime and gets away.”


“But how come you didn’t say anything about Taecyeon?”

“He didn’t do anything.”

“Oh. Isn’t it weird that he’s the only one normal?”

“Yeah… But-“

“You’re kind of disappointed about that, aren’t you?” Changmin smirked.

Junsu felt the heat of red rushing up his cheeks and stiffened. “I-I’m not!”

Changmin laughed and ruffled Junsu’s hair, taking a sip from his can of beer. The younger pouted and sunk back onto the sofa, his beer can sat forgotten on the table. They’d do this sometime when they’re free and willing. Just sit together and talk, with a couple of beer or more. Mostly it’s Junsu whining about his dongsaengs’ bullying him or Changmin groaning about his dongsaengs’ silly behaviors.

“Why do you think they touched you that way?”

“I really don’t know… but some of them said I smelled..sweet.”

“Sweet? You changed your shampoo or something?”

“I didn’t.. It’s so weird.”

“When did they say that?”

“I think when they were close to my neck…” Junsu blushed when every scene flashed back into his mind.

“Your neck?”

“Mhm I wonder why..”

“Here let me smell it.” Changmin leaned over close enough and sniffed the skin of Junsu’s neck, the younger shivered a bit at the proximity.

“Well?” Junsu asked as Changmin pulled away.

“I only smelled lavender that’s all. I know it’s your soap but I-“ Changmin stopped abruptly.

“But you what? Hyung?” Junsu shooked Changmin’s left shoulder. His eyes slowly widened when Changmin turned his eyes to him, it was filled with something so familiar to Junsu that the younger quickly stood up and backed away.

“U-um hyung, I think it’s time you went back?”

Changmin flung his empty can of beer aside and stood up, approaching Junsu. “It’s too early, don’t you think?”

Junsu flinched when Changmin put a hand on his shoulder, he pushed a way but another hand found his wrist. “Hyung, please, not you too.”

“I understand how they feel now,” was all Changmin said before he pulled Junsu towards him and held a vice grip on Junsu’s waist.

“Ah, hyung!”


Changmin and Junsu turned towards the extra voice at the hallway. There stood Taecyeon frowning in disbelief, Junsu just stared for a second and quickly pushed Changmin away before snatching Taecyeon’s arm and pulling him upstairs into Taec’s room. Leaving Changmin blinking in confusion in the living room.

After Junsu slammed the door close he jumped onto Taec’s bed and pulled his knees to his chest, grumbling to himself.

“You have to stop doing this.”

“Do what?”

“Getting into these situations.”

“I don’t even know how I get into these situations.”

“Are you like that?”

“Like what?”

“A whore.”

Junsu gasped and glared at Taecyeon. “I am not a whore!” he shouted at the younger. Taecyeon just sighed and rubbed his forehead.

“Really, Junsu? I don’t mean to sound rude but I keep finding you in compromising situations these past weeks.”

“But it doesn’t mean I wanted it!”

“You don’t seem to put up much of a fight.”

“I can’t believe you! You think I wanted to be molested!” Junsu stood up and pointed at Taecyeon, a deep frown on his face, eyes filled with fury and something that Taecyeon could identify as, hurt.

“Look, I just tell it how I see it ok. Calm down.”

“Fine. Next time you see me in any kind of situation, don’t save me!” Taecyeon was thrown back by the look of hurt Junsu gave him before the older stormed out to his room at the opposite side.

Another loud slam and Taecyeon fell back onto his bed, sighing in frustration.  “Damn it.”


After that day, Junsu steered clear of Taecyeon, and other guys, just in case. Every time their eyes met, Junsu would cover the hurt with a scowl and turn away. Taecyeon rolls his eyes and looks away too, but he couldn’t get the guilt feeling out of his mind. Junsu would always rush back to his room and locked himself in after every schedule. The other members got worried too.

“What’s wrong with Junsu?” Nichkhun asked as he put bowls of rice on the dinner table.

“Why are you asking me?” Taecyeon raised an eyebrow,

“I don’t know. It looks as if you two had a fight.”

“How would you know anyways?”

“You look at him as if you did something wrong.”

“What are you? A detective?”

“Hey hey, it’s just a hunch ok.” Nichkhun chuckled and sat opposite Taecyeon. “Now tell uncle Khunnie what happened.”

Taecyeon sighed and stared at his bowl of rice. Nichkhun chewed on a piece of beef and waited patiently.

“I called him a whore.”

Nichkhun could’ve choked on his beef if he didn’t swallow it sooner.


“I know. I know! I’m wrong ok.”

“Yes you are. Why did you call him that anyways? That’s so mean.”

“It was just on a whim and everything that happened made me think that.”

“What happened?”

“Like you don’t remember. You did it too.” Taecyeon scoffed at Nichkhun but the Thai man had a really genuine confused face.

“Did what? I didn’t do anything to Junsu.” Nichkhun raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in confusion.

Taecyeon frowned and looked away. Nichkhun doesn’t remember making a move on Junsu? Wooyoung also didn’t respond to my questions… Chansung and Junho just walked away casually… Hm..

“Junsu hyung! Seulong hyung is here!” Junho shouted upstairs.

Junsu rushed down seconds after with his jacket. He greeted Seulong with a smile and both went out the front door.

“Where are they going?” Taecyeon appeared beside Junho after they were gone.

“Oh, Seulong hyung said he noticed Junsu looked down recently and set up a mandate for them.” Junho laughed at the word ‘mandate’ and walked towards his room.

Taecyeon joined the others in the living room and plopped down on the couch, immediately his mind wandered.

“A mandate huh..” He mumbled. “I have a bad feeling about this..”


Junsu was picking on his popcorns instead of focusing on the action movie. Seulong brought him out for a movie and dinner to cheer him up but Junsu couldn’t concentrate on anything at the moment. He thought about what Taecyeon said the other day and pouted. How could he? Junsu thought. Of all people and things, Taecyeon called him a whore. Junsu sniffed and chewed on popcorn, staring at the snack.

“Su yah, what’s wrong?” Seulong whispered.

“It’s nothing really.” Junsu whispered back, offering him the bag of popcorn.

“You want to skip the rest of this movie?”

“Mm, ok.”

They shuffled out the seats and Junsu grabbed onto Seulong’s arm because it was dark but Seulong held onto his hand and pulled him out. They went to a sushi place for dinner which made Junsu jump for joy.  He got even happier when Seulong offered to treat him to a cup of Starbuck’s coffee.

Seulong smirked when Junsu leaned on him while holding his mug of warm coffee. The man was full of fluff and affection it amused the elder. Seulong ran his fingers through Junsu’s soft hair; he knew the younger wouldn’t mind, seeing of how cuddly he was being.

“So what’s bothering you?”

“I told you, it’s nothing.”

“Oh come on. You know you can trust me.” Seulong gave him a soothing pat on the shoulder. Junsu seemed to think about it for a bit and sighed.

“I had a fight with Taecyeon.”

“What’s it about?”

“Um, just a misunderstanding I guess.” Junsu didn’t want to rat on Taecyeon, because he knew Seulong would give him one hell of a verbal beating if he did.

“It must be something big. You seem sad for some reason.”

“I’m not sad.”

“You’re not? Then you won’t mind me doing this then.”

Seulong practically squished Junsu’s cheeks and pulled at them, tickling his neck and ears. Junsu squealed and squirmed. He tried muffling his voice and grabbed at Seulong’s arms, almost spilling his coffee. They finally stop laughing, after receiving some pointed stares from the other occupants of the café.

“Feel better now?”

Junsu nodded and smiled while they walked out the café.

“Stop by our dorm?”

“Is Changmin-hyung there?”

“No. Why?”

“Uh, nothing. Sure.”

At least Seulong’s normal.. Junsu thought as they smiled at each other.


“Want a beer?” Seulong asked, crouched in front of the fridge.

“Nah, I had enough of coffee just now.” Junsu said before darting towards Seulong’s room, just in case Changmin was around. He made himself comfortable on Seulong’s neat bed and pulled out his cellphone. There were 5 missed calls from Taecyeon and 2 from Nichkhun. Junsu’s face scrunched. Why did they call so many times?

Junsu decided on avoiding Taecyeon again, so he called Nichkhun back. After two rings, someone picks up.

“Hello, Khunnie yah.”

“Junsu! Where are you?”


“Forget me. Where are you?”

“Um, at the 2AM dorm… Why-“

“What! Ok stay there and don’t do anything stupid. I’ll be-“ Taecyeon’s words were cut off when Junsu’s phone was snatched away by Seulong and he disconnected the call. Junsu stared up at his hyung, gawking as Seulong threw his phone back onto his lap with a smirk. He sat on his bed and scooted closer and Junsu had a feeling that Taecyeon’s calls had something to do with this.

“You look uncomfortable.”

“Well, I am, a-a bit.”

Instincts told Junsu to run, but something about the way Seulong held his arm had Junsu anchored down. Junsu’s mind went into a haze when Seulong came even closer, breathing the same air as him. Junsu closed his eyes and shuffled back a little, only managing to move an inch because Seulong leaned his weight on him.

“Hyung, I-“

“You trust me, right?”

The whispered question startled Junsu, he thought back on the days he had fought back on other men suddenly wanting to come onto him. Then the fight with Taecyeon, it was his fault, no doubt. And Seulong was okay, they were always close. He knew he himself wasn’t exactly straight and he thought Seulong is a very nice guy. So, why not?

Hesitantly, Junsu nodded.

Seulong’s smile hinted something sinister but Junsu didn’t notice because he was already pressed up to the headboard of the bed. Seulong’s cold hands startling his inner thoughts as they travelled up his shirt up to his chest. Junsu felt a pair of lips on his own and suddenly everything felt rushed.

“Hyung, wait.”

Junsu got scared when Seulong growled in response, only pushing his hands higher and pinched one of the soft nubs. “Ah!” Junsu arched in shock. He pushed Seulong’s shoulders away but the elder attacked his mouth with his and grinded his hips into Junsu’s. The younger muffled protests but it was all in vain.

He didn’t want this. He knew that now but, what if it’s too late? He told Taecyeon not to save him anymore. Junsu fought more but Seulong was mute and only dry humping him by now and Junsu was very embarrassed by the situation. God, he wished he didn’t shout at Taecyeon that day. He really needed him now.

“Hyung, s-stop.”

Seulong silenced him with another kiss. He was irritated at how Junsu fought back and thrusted harder. This made Junsu gasp and moaned out something he shouldn’t.

“Ah, Taecyeon!”

As if on cue, Seulong’s room door burst open and surprise, it’s Ok Taecyeon and when his eyes laid on the scene before him, it’s not just Ok Taecyeon anymore, it’s a very, VERY pissed ok Taecyeon.

He said nothing as he stomped over to them and effortlessly picked Junsu up and threw the older over his shoulder. Without as much as a glance to Seulong he walked off the building, ignoring the whiny complaints from Junsu about being held upside down but eventually silenced him with a rough squeeze to the back of his thigh as a warning of dropping him if he didn’t shut up. Junsu did.

Junsu got woozy with all the blood rushing to his head but fortunately Taecyeon dropped him on his bed and before he could catch his breath, the bed dipped and Taecyeon caught it for him. Junsu was so surprised by the kiss that he gasped, letting Taecyeon have the chance to slip his tongue in on Junsu swore that all those cliché scenes in romantic dramas and novels about fireworks sparking in the first kiss were damn true. It was so different from Seulong’s short and cold kiss, Taecyeon’s kiss was filled with fiery passion and it felt like they kissed for hours. If Taecyeon wasn’t making this feel so real, Junsu would’ve pinched himself by now.

“Mh Taecyeon..” Junsu said while inhaling a breath of air. He was panting, holding his upper body up with his elbows. The bed dipped closer between his legs and Taecyeon hovered over him while staring intensely right at him. Junsu felt as if he was slowly stripped by those hungry eyes.

“I thought.. I thought I didn’t have any effect on you. You were f-fine.” He managed to string up a sentence without fully stuttering under that hard gaze.

“Are you kidding me? I’ve been holding myself back for so long. You have no idea how much I wanted to pounce after saving you 5 times in a row.” Taecyeon said pressing his face into Junsu’s neck and inhaling the sweet scent that drove him crazy for weeks. He controlled himself, for the sake of Junsu and himself. But seeing Seulong get closer to the last stage, hands on Junsu’s chest, hips thrusting to Junsu, lip’s tasting Junsu’s.  Taecyeon snapped.

“Why didn’t you?” Junsu’s fingers curled onto the back of Taecyeon’s shirt.

Junsu felt his chest rumbled when Taecyeon chuckled onto his chest. “You want me to pounce?”

Pure red filled the elder’s cheeks when he realized what he said. Hell, might as well say it then.

“Um.. I..”

“Mm? You what, Junsuya?” Taecyeon mumbled onto the skin of Junsu’s cheek, his fingers were caressing the skin of his waist and back.

“I wouldn’t mind, if it was y-you.” Junsu breathed out to Taecyeon’s saucer-like ear. The taller shivered at the words and rose up, smirking down at the flushed body below him before catching his lips again. He pushed Junsu’s shirt up to his chest and traced his lean body that was rarely shown to anyone.

“Sorry for calling you a whore.”

“I think I am..” sat up and looked away, angry at himself for almost letting Seulong touch him further.


“I a-almost gave in to Seulong. If you didn’t come soo- AH!” Junsu was pushed back again and this time his hips were secured down by Taecyeon’s arm. Taecyeon growled and took Junsu’s shirt off and in a flash Junsu was stark naked under him. Skin flushed pink and shivering form confusion and anticipation.

“Show me where he touched you.”

Junsu’s body trembled from Taecyeon’s baritone voice. But he did as he was told. Showing the light marks on his neck and how Seulong pinched his left nipple. Junsu felt uncomfortable talking about it but by the time he told him about the dry humping Taecyeon got furious.

He pulled Junsu’s legs around his waist and brought them both higher up the bed. The kisses got even more heated when both explored each other’s body. Taecyeon sucked on a nipple and nibbled while trailing kisses on Junsu’s chest and abs. A hand wandering to his semi hard-on and teased a touch before travelling to the soft globes that were always hidden yet called for attention.

“Mh, Taecyeonnie.”

The way Junsu said his cute nickname was nothing close to cute, it was sultry, lustful and full of need. He smirked when he felt Junsu clawing at his shirt, begging for it to be discarded. He did so and Junsu immediately latched his arms around his neck and pulled him down for another breathtaking kiss.

Piano fingers lost themselves in Taecyeon’s dark locks and Junsu moaned as He felt Taecyeon’s trapped erection thrusting against the back of his thigh. A loud pitched groan greeted Taecyeon when he stroked Junsu’s cock, already dripping with pre-cum.

“T-Taec, please.”

Taecyeon chuckled and nodded before unbuckling his belt and discarding his jeans. His impressive length stood hard and ready. He took a glance at Junsu and felt goosebumps. The older was already sprawled in the messy bed, looking flushed and fuckable. Taecyeon couldn’t remember the last time his sexual urges were this high.


“Bottom drawer.” It was a low whisper but Taecyeon heard him anyways.

Lube in hand. Taecyeon crawled back in position between Junsu’s legs and popped the cap open. He felt Junsu tense up and leaned down to nuzzle his neck, hand sliding up and down his thigh to calm him down. “Shh, relax.”

Junsu gasped when the first lube-slicked finger entered him, it hurt a bit at first but he bit his lip and endured it. By the third finger, Taecyeon had Junsu moaning and whimpering for more, the pleasure he felt was far from others. Taecyeon pulled out and smirked at Junsu’s whine of protest, he lubed up his own cock and thrust straight inside Junsu.

The scream he received had his mind short-circuiting. This was the calm, composed and funny Junsu. It was mind-blowing to see him this vulnerable and beautiful. Withering under his touch, Junsu had tears welling in his eyes. Taecyeon kissed him and placed his forehead on his, holding tight onto his soft thighs and started thrusting with rhythm.

“Ahn, Taecyeon.”

Junsu’s moans were melodious. It had Taecyeon harder than he ever felt before. He sped up and more sounds of pleasure filled his ears. He felt Junsu’s ass tightening and his legs secured around him. Junsu arched his back and whimpered as Taecyeon went in further.

“God, so tight.”

Taecyeon’s groans were lower when Junsu started rolling his hips and joining into the rhythm. The older was now used to the pain and only wanted Taecyeon deep inside him. He couldn’t help moaning at the foreign but satisfying feeling in his ass. Junsu licked Taecyeon’s chin and sucked, encouraging him to go faster.

“Fuck, Junsu.”

The more he increased his speed the deeper he went. The kisses were sloppy but neither pulled away. Taecyeon’s thrusts met with the roll of Junsu’s hips. His fingers pressed so hard onto Junsu’s hips he swore there would be bruises. Junsu clawed at his back, careful not to be so hard on it but with his situation it was hard not to leave scratch marks. It felt so good.

Taecyeon suddenly thrust into a different spot and Junsu outright shrieked. Taecyeon groaned by the sudden tightening and with Junsu’s shouting “T-There, Taec! There, Oh God,” and arching his back more, Taecyeon fucked him harder and faster, ever willing to oblige.

“I’m c-close.” Junsu whimpered and ran his hands through Taec’s hair, lightly tugging.

“Mm, me too.”

Taecyeon grunted as he felt Junsu arching his back and coming onto both their abs. The long throaty moan was enough to drive himself on the edge. He came into Junsu, filling the tight walls with his heated cum that some dripped out. Junsu gasped at the warm feeling inside him.

They both panted and slowly coming down from their high. Taecyeon was still propped up above Junsu and kissed his forehead before collapsing onto him, careful not to crush him with his full weight. He pulled out slowly, not missing Junsu’s whine.

Junsu curled up into Taecyeon’s chest and winced as some of the cum seeped out of him. Taecyeon laughed and pulled him closer, drawing circles on his smooth back.

“You wanna know why men suddenly come onto you?”


“You released pheromones.”

Junsu raised his face up to look at him and Taecyeon almost choked when he saw the amount of hickeys Junsu had around his neck and collarbone. He gulped.

“How do you know?”


Junsu giggled. Well Taecyeon would.

“Hey Su.”


“Wear a scarf when you go out tomorrow.”


A/N: I really hope you enjoyed this! I'll be working on more fics since I finished school hehe. Sorry for the terribly long wait, hope this makes up for it. Thanks for the support <3

r: nc-17, p: taecsu, p: onedaysu, oneday, oneshot, p: 2pmsu

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