
Jun 06, 2011 02:07

Title: Penalty
Genre: humor, fluff
Pairing: Taecyeon/Junsu/Nichkhun
Rating: pg-13
Summary: Butt touching and photoshoots.
Notes: random funny drabble after watching 2PM's photoshoot vid. Buck, you perv xD

So how was Junsu’s butt?”

“Felt nice.”

Junsu frowned. He eyed the two taller men on each side. Both talking about an embarrassing matter, not even caring that the object of their
conversation is right in between them. Junsu interrupted.

“Why am I here? Why is this conversation even happening?”

“Because were in a photoshoot.”

“Because it’s a nice topic.”

Junsu looked up at Taecyeon. “How is my ass a ‘nice’ topic?”

“Because they’re cute.” Nichkhun bluntly stated, prodding Junsu’s butt.

“Careful Khun, Wooyoung’s gonna give you penalty again.” Taecyeon warned.

“Penalty or nor, still worth it.”


Taecyeon’s hand reached down to grope Junsu’s unoccupied butt cheek. Junsu’s eyes went wide and he squirmed.

“Is there a problem, Junsu-sshi?” the photographer asked, clearly aware of Junsu’s uneasiness.

“No-nothing, I’m f-fine.” he tried to smile, ignoring the smirks from his tall dongsaengs.

After the shoot, Junsu quickly took off to the dressing room with a very noticeable blush on his face. Nichkhun and Taecyeon gave each other knowing looks and chuckled. Snickering at how cute and nervous Junsu was previously. They were currently looking like two gossiping ahjummas.

“You two!”

Both men turned towards the booming voice.

Wooyoung stood there pointing at them with an accusing face. He was gripping the end of Junsu sleeve, who was averting his eyes,
obviously trying to disappear.

“I saw what you two did! Penalty now!” Wooyoung ordered.

Nichkhun and Taecyeon rolled their eyes, turning to a video camera and looked up for as long as they can.

Wooyoung faced back to Junsu, “See this is what you get for not pulling your pants up, hyung!”

Chansung and Junho just laughed beside them.


p: taecsu, f: penalty, r: pg-13, p: khunsu

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