Darn it, something happened that made me posted the previous twice. I deleted one of it, or so I thought; but I instead deleted a post made of Oct the 22nd. Good thing I am still able to see the deleted post.
Thus, this is the reposting.
---beginning of reposting
Feel a bit feverish, in contrary to it my head feels light. So light it is I am afraid I would mistaken it as a gas-filled balloon and set it free into the air. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
this is
so expensive!!! I wanna!!! I wanna!!! >< I'll dream only then...
I found
this page
, unfortunately I don't know what it says since it's in Italian. However, I got the idea that the blogger is inspired by the great Frida Kahlo at some sort. I know the feeling, I did the same thing too. At least once, in the middle of year 2004. But at a totally different environment. No water involved, instead with my first collection of yaoi manga.
---end of reposting bah.