Jun 12, 2006 08:02
Goofy and hawt... fun combination. It appears teh secksy wife is ALSO a Jedi... leading me into the following discussion, which has been in my head for the past few days:
Ok, so Yoda coulda killed palpatine, and Obi-Wan coulda killed Anakin, but both chose not to. It was made apparent, in the book at least, that it was a conscious choice, but I figured it was justy normal goodguy bullshit, because George Lucas needed the characters to be alive to be the villains of the original trilogy. Makes sense, right?
And then Dave and I were talking about Jacen Solo's discovery that the Light and Dark sides of the force were merely man's perspective on the Force. It was ALL the Force proper. So the logic goes that there is no light or dark side, and now Luke can use the high speed Sith Lightning... he just uses it as a Jedi, so it's mainly there to incapacitate. Huzzah, but the Dave and I stumbled accross somthing, and this makes Revenge of the Sith work on a level George Lucas is probably unaware of:
The Light side always wins... period. Everything in the force ends in benevolence. All Sith die once their purpose is fulfilled. Sith doesn't allow them retirement like it does the noble Jedi. Darth Plagues? Killed once Sidious was powerful enough to set the Restoration in order. Maul? Dead once Qui Gon died, and Obi-Wan was forced to train Anakin. Tyrannus? Dead once Anakin was ready to fall. Vader? Dead once Anakin awoke within him and saved his son. Sidious? Dead once Anakin had been redeemed and the New Jedi Order was set in motion.
Yoda? Retired. Died of old age. Qui Gon? Died to become Yoda and Obi Wan's instructor. Ben Kenobi? Died after a long, semi-peaceful retirement to show luke the power of the Force. Other examples are beyond me.
But so it seems that once the Jedi had lost sight of their TRUE goals, the force allowed the sith to rise and burn the Jedi order, so it could be reborn. Once the ashes had scattered, and the new Jedi were in motion, the Sith themselves were destroyed. Evil is an expendable force used to keep good from going bad.
Think about it: If Yoda and Obi Wan had killed the two Sith lords, they'd have been going against the force, abusing it like a Sith would've... they would've fallen. As the Last two Jedi(or so they thought), and definately the final two masters, they would've given themselves to the dark side, to their passions and attatchments. They knew about Luke and Leia. They could've corrupted them as well, and the only Jedi who survived order 66 would've been outgunned by Fucking Yoda. It's fucking Yoda, then you have Ben, Luke, and Leia.
So the Force is benevolent, in all ways. It's just hard to see at times.
And Gretchen, when Nikki and I have a kid, we decided to name here Mara Jade. HA! At least ours aren't accidental.