The presidential elections were yesterday, and I voted for the first time ever, yayz! We still don't have a president, though, since Calderón (PAN) and López Obrador (*cough*Peje*cough*)(PRD) are tied right now. At least Calderón, the one I voted for, is winning, although it's not by much and it's not like I like him anyways - it's a matter of chosing the one you hate less of them. It's odd, the PAN party is Catholic, and the PRD is socialist, but I very much prefer them to those pigs of the PRI, the neoliberalists; while if I was in America, I'd vote Democrat. I guess everyone's too used to the PAN being the ones from the left, while they're not really. *shrug*
Me and my cousins had an improptu sleep-over yesterday, so I still haven't read anything of all the lovely fic that's swarminng my flist, and I haven't seen Army of Ghosts yet. *sigh* It was fun, though, I stayed up until 6AM, and then I woke up at 8 XD (and me and my cousing Memo went and painted marker mustaches on my girl cousins faces. Their 'AAAARGH!!'s are what woke me up, actually *g* *is 5 years old*
Saturday's party was actually a lot of fun, even if it rained while we were at mass and my cute straightened hair (5 dlls ;-; I wish my hair iron was actually decent) ended up as a mess. Anyway, after the birthday girl danced the waltz, and all that jazz (it's tradition. It's also embarassing as hell, and probably the reason why I never wanted a 15-year-old party) we went and changed into our flamenco outfits, with a lot of boys catcalling outside and nearly getting asphixiated in the small bathroom. >_<
So we danced, and it was all right. Sadly, no picture of that, since the camera was elsewhere. And then we changed back and danced and danced and danced and my feet ached so much by the time I left. As in SO DAMN MUCH. But it was worth it, I LOVE dancing, pretty much everything, and I hadn't had so much fun in some time. :)
After Mass, just before we had to run in the rain with silly Church newspapers on our heads 0_o (
onadancefloor! I found a bit of Catholic humor! It sucks, yes, but it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in a Church XD : "Dios quiere que le hables, pero no por tu celular." [God wants you to speak to Him, but not on your cell phone.]) In case you guys still don't know who I am, I'm the one in black and white.
Us with the party girl. Mariana looked pretty, but she sure as hell looked like a giant cake...
I have such an odd expression there, but eeeh, my hair. I like my hair. *caresses hair* (Me and Bere, the girl from Flamenco I get along with the best)
And two other of my classmates, Ale (see, my name is TOO popular!) on the left and Abril on the right.