Bah, I had to left Japanese class early since I have just too much to do. And it was the last class of the semester, too... My essay on Juan Jose Arreola is currently 5 pages long, so woot, I'm halfway there *weeps* (and I'm adding photos of him, and using fragments of his stories to use more space!) Doing this has, though, brought back my love for La Migala, a wonderful, chilling story that really made me shudder the first time I read it. I ♥ that short story, my favorite of him. (I'm still hating doing the paper, though.)
My dad is back! And he brought alfajores with him, yay! (they're delicious sweets from both Chile and Argentina. Mmm...) Poor thing is still sick. Hopefully we'll go and get tacos tonight to celebrate (and so he can get some real Mexican food after all those days). And ugh, I still got LOTS of homework to do for writing class and I've got to go downtown at three to do a team project, which is a drag, and it'll only be there because all of the others have Photography in the Art Campus of college, and it's easier for them. I'll go by bus because I'm cheap and I don't wanna pay parking fees.
Am procrastinating as I write this because I don't wanna go back to homework. *weeps some more*
Doctor Who - The Five Doctors
Finally got to finish this yesterday, and wooo, me likes! So many doctors together makes my head go asploady. (It would've been more, though, if Four had actually been there. Le sigh.) My favorites are totally Three and Five (and well, Four, bue he wasn't there so nyah.), because they're awesome like that, and while the TARDIS!Love was severly lacking, it was all good.
Gosh, Gallifrey sure has some tacky style, huh? And the glitter in Berusa's suit! HAHAHA! *cough* While the plot was somewhat dodgy (but then again, this is Doctor Who...), the action was cool, all: BAM! And there's a Dalek. BAM! Cyberman! BAM! And the Master is suppose to save the Doctor!
Companion Wise (because we all know just how important this is): Susan was blah. Really, she didn't do much of anything except look odd and twist her ankle with the stupidest thing. *sigh* The Brigadier was cool, since he was no damsel in distress, and it feels almost like a match to the Doctor. Sara Jane... has horrible taste in clothing. She also keeps on tripping and whatnot, but she's smart so she's forgiven. Less than five minutes with Romana II, and I can almost see why everyone loves her. "Oh, I do love the summer." "It's October." "Oh, I do love the Autumn." XD She's wicked. While Tegan's hairstyle SUCKS BIG TIME, she's definitely the coolest, since she won't take any shit from the Doctor and can climb rocks and whatnot with high heels. She doesn't like the TARDIS very much, though ;-; And waaaah, but Tourlough is HOT. And ginger. And have I mentioned hot? I love his suit and the fact that he looks like an overgrown schoolboy. ^g^
Okay, so I know shouldn't be doing this, but I'm booooored, and I need me sanity. So, Drabble Openings start now. They won't be done for a few days, but I do want to do something, at least. I especially love weird fandoms/pairings for drabbles... *hint, hint* So tell me a character/pairing, a prompt (no poetry, please) and to make things more interesting, a color.
Fandoms: HP (duh), Doctor Who, Alias, Narnia, Nip/Tuck, Fight Club, Howl's Moving Castle, Good Omens, Spirited Away.